Night 1

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NOTE:The Chapters will begin and end with Dates and the parts will be named differently and will conclude until the date is published at the end of the parts.

Sasha (POV): I Had slowly woken up on a bed but when I went to move I noticed that Bayley was hugging me with her arms around my waist. So I looked around and noticed that this wasn't my room as there were chains with handcuffs, a table that looked likes it was used for surgeries in the past, and what looks like a another room as there was another door on the side where bayley was sleeping. I started to panic a bit so I guess i Accidentally woke up bayley with my rapid breathing cause she started to move her head and slowly woke up as well. "Hey you alright?" Bayley had asked me while she was stroking my arm. "Bayley where are we how did we get here?" "Wait do you remember anything from yesterday?" Bayley asked me. "All I remember was that I pushed you out of the way before I got hit with a tranquilizer dart and then-" "Hold on Sasha I think were in the firefly funhouse look at that wall over there" Bayley said.
Bayley (POV):I pointed to a wall across from where we were that looked like it had "FIREFLY FUNHOUSE" Written in big letters and what looks like blood or red paint. "Bayley we need to get out of here now!" Sasha exclaimed. I tried to get out of the bed but I felt something around my left ankle that was stopping me, so I went to investigate what was stopping me and as I pulled the cover from my legs I saw that my left ankle was chained to the foot of the bed. "Hey Sasha Sasha!" I had to literally put my hands on her and restrained her before she ended up hurting herself as I noticed that she also had a chain around her ankle but on her right. "Dude calm down before you hurt yourself look even if we wanted to escape we can't because we're tied down by our ankles look." Sasha looked down and noticed the chain but then started tugging at her ankle to the point where it was starting to bleed ,so I just grabbed her and held her as she started screaming in frustration and being scared as well. "Dude relax... relax" I told her in a calming voice as she was basically sobbing on my shoulder "Bayley I'm-I'm just so scared I don't want to be tourtured" Sasha told me as she continued crying "Hey I'll try to protect you as best I can okay" I told her while stroking her hair as she slowly calmed down. When she finally calmed down she pulled her head away from my shoulder I wiped away the tears that were falling from her face as I could tell she was she still frighten. "Hey look at these chains" I said as looked and started playing with them "I found a way to untangle these chains Sasha." I started to slowly untie the knot from my ankle until it came undone but my ankle did look purple I guess since cause I started tugging at it. As I got out bed when I landed on the ankle that had been tied I fell but got back up.
Sasha (POV) : "Hey you alright?" I asked Bayley as she was limping on her left ankle towards my side of the bed. "Yeah I'm fine don't worry about me my left ankle is just a little swollen from tugging at the chains but I'm fine" "O-okay just making sure." Bayley untied the chain from my ankle but I didn't think it was that bad until bayley had a look of concern written on her face. "Dude I'm gonna have to find a way to clean that wound it's really deep I might even have to sew it." "No it's fine to me look I can walk on it." But I was wrong because as soon as I stood on it I just fell forward luckily bayley caught me before I hit the ground but I winced in pain. So bayley helped me walk as she lifted my arm to put around her and lifted me up very slowly as we both started walking towards the door where bayley slept.
Bayley got to the door and opened it to see that it was like another room but it had only a bed with cuffs tied to the headboard this time and a bathroom with a medicine cabinet. Bayley could tell that Sasha's ankle was really bothering her as she kept wincing every step that they both took so bayley slowly helped her sit on the bed and put her injured ankle on the foot of the bed with the wound exposed. As bayley turned on a light that was hanging from the ceiling she closed the door hoping that the light would be dim enough not to alert anybody near by that they were awake as there was a clock above the it and it read 1AM. As bayley turned around that's when she noticed that Sasha did need her ankle stitched up as the wound was about 3 inches long and 5 centimeters wide. After a few minutes of searching in a cabinet full of medical supplies that was across from where the door was Bayley found some stitching thread, A needle, a bag of cotton balls along with 2 rags, and a bottle of rubbing alcohol. When bayley set these items on the bed next to Sasha she started to panic a bit "Bayley what's all that? What are you going to do" Sasha asked as she started to back away from her but Bayley just held her hand and told Sasha "Look dude I'm not going to lie to you as you can see your ankle is really bad and the wound is way to big to for it to heal on its own so I'm gonna have to stitch it up so it can heal properly I'm sorry dude." Sasha just started crying while looking at bayley with a scared look cause she's never received stitches without taking something so she wouldn't feel any pain and that's what scared her the most "Bayley are you sure it won't heal on its own or can we just try something else please" Sasha said in a pleading voice while looking at her best friend. Bayley simply shook her head which made Sasha whimper so Bayley just put her arms around her and rubbed her back as and as she held her while she said softly "Hey if you think about it after I am finished with your ankle we can get out of here because bray doesn't wake up til 7AM so the faster that we do this the faster we escape from here deal?" Bayley asked while she was stroking Sasha's hair in order for her to calm down. "Y-yeah sure bayley" Sasha said as she pulled away from the hug " Sure I'm just scared I've never received stitches without numbing medication let alone my best friend stitching me up-" "Listen this isn't my first time doing this I've done it before so you're going to be alright I promise" Bayley said while wiping Sasha's tears that were falling from her face. "Okay let's get this over with then so we can get out of here" Sasha said.
So Bayley got one of the rags and handed it to Sasha who put the rag down but then Bayley told her "Dude I gave that to you so you can bite on it Cause this is gonna be really painful I'm not gonna lie so if I were you I'd bite down on that plus if and when you do scream it won't alert anybody else that we're up" Sasha simply nodded and put the rag in her mouth as she knew that this was going to be very torturous. So Bayley began to pour some rubbing alcohol onto the rag and soaked a few cotton balls as well asked Sasha "Are you ready?" Sasha just nodded and bit the rag. Bayley then started to clean the wound going as fast as she could so her best friend wouldn't have to feel the burning anymore but Sasha kept screaming and crying while biting the rag. After bayley had cleaned the wound thoroughly she then proceed to start tying a knot with some of the stitching thread so Sasha can take a breather as Bayley had put her through enough pain already but the worst is yet to come. Bayley finished putting the knot with stitch thread and then proceeded to insert the needle into her friends wound until Sasha started shaking her ankle so Bayley just held her ankle down with all her weight while Sasha kept screaming in agony "Sasha I'm almost done I just need one more stitch alright." Bayley told her best friend who was just in tears, so bayley inserted the last stitch and pulled it very carefully to make sure the stitching was able to close the wound properly while Sasha just screamed through the rag. "Okay I'm finished you can go ahead and rest while I put the stuff back alright." After bayley had finished putting the stuff away she made her way back to Sasha was staring at the stitching her best friend had just done to her. "Hey how are you feeling Dude?" Bayley asked as she sat down next to her on the bed "I mean I'm hurting a lot I feel like my ankle got set on fire but I'm fine I think I can walk and we can get out of here please.
Little did they know that they're going to realize that there really is not a way out of this place.

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