No She's Just a Pessimist (16)

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When I storm out of the building as I leave the disaster of a therapy session, I almost slip and fall on a patch of ice in the parking lot. I would usually laugh at myself in that situation, but I'm in no mood to laugh. If anything, it only makes a whole new burst of frustration rush through my veins. So, I just continue on my way to the car, crossing my arms tightly over my chest to fight off the cold.

I slam the car door behind me after I've gotten in.

The ride on the way back home is silent. Either Gerard can tell that I'm definitely not in a talking mood, or he just doesn't know what to say. So, instead of the usual friendly conversation, I stare out the window, my gaze never wavering. At every exhale, I watch as my breath creates condensation on the glass. Soon enough, my breaths come out quicker and I realize I'm crying hot, angry tears.

This is exactly what I didn't want.

I hate crying. I hate feeling weak and out of control, and I silently curse myself for being just that. Luckily, though, we've just parked outside the house, so I make a beeline for the front door. I don't even bother grabbing my backpack from where I dumped it in the back seat.

Lindsey greets me inside. "Hey, Girly! You're early." She stands with her hands resting on her stomach, her usual warm smile on her face.

"Hi," I reply flatly.

Her face falls when she sees that I'm crying. "Rough session?"

I hastily wipe away my tears. "You could say that."

I end the conversation there and shut myself in my bedroom. Next, I pry my shoes off my feet and leave them on the floor, then crawl into my bed, ruining the perfectly smooth blankets from when I made it this morning. Sitting with my knees drawn to my chest and a sheet pulled over my head, is when I finally quit any attempt at holding back a flood of tears.

Gerard's POV

Well shit.

It's one thing to end a sessions early, but it's another to have obviously stormed out of there. Not to mention a completely unlike Eve thing to do.

When I cross the threshold of the front door, her footsteps are already making their way up the stairs and towards her room. Next, the sound of her door closing more loudly than usual rings out through the otherwise silent house. Not even Lindsey is making any noise as she stands in the hallway with a bewildered expression on her face.

Nevertheless, she greets me with a kiss before saying, "I guess it didn't go so well today?"

"I guess not," I reply, taking my shoes off. "I'm just as confused as you, though. She didn't tell me anything. She didn't even say anything in the car afterwards."

"Are you gonna go talk to her?" Linds inquires. She takes my coat for me and hangs it up on a hook.

"I think I should give her some time to cool off."

She nods understandingly. "That's probably a good idea."

I decide to go up to my office to get some writing done, thinking that twenty minutes should be enough time to wait before I dare knock on Eve's door. Between that and music I have little spare time, and I'm shut up here more often than not. Coffee after coffee to keep me going. That's why I find myself really looking forward to my time off with my family in the form of our weekly movie nights.

For tomorrow's, we decided on Mikey's favourite: Jaws.

Sitting at my desk, I don't get as much work done as I was hoping. My eyes keep flitting up to the digital clock on my desk, watching the minutes go by. My mind keeps drifting to Evelyn, wondering what could've possibly gone down in that office, unable to focus on the words in front of me.

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