Chapter 1: Most Dangerous Witch

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On the morning of that day, my dad was passed out at the table, with a cup of coffee next to him. He only woke up when the microwave went off, jumping into my mother's arms. "Ahh!" He screamed out as he landed in her arms. "Jake, what's wrong?" My mom asked him. "Yeah dad, you're kind of jumpy." I told him as I ate a waffle.

"Jumpy? What makes you think that?" My dad asked. I just pointed at him being in my mom's arms, showing evidence. "Touche." My dad said as he got back on his feet. "Dad? Why are so afraid? You're usually the one who's calm." I said, wondering what caused him to be panicking.

"Well, I had a vision. And so did Zelda. It was about Tim the Witchsmeller." My dad said. "Who?" My mom and I asked. As far as we were concerned, my dad never told us anything about Tim. "Tim the Witchsmeller. He hunts down witches and warlocks for his own private trophy collection. And the Spellman and us can be next!" My dad explained to us.

"What's this guy got against us?" I asked. "Better to show you." My dad said, grabbing a egg, a spoonful of milk and sugar and spice. "Egg from a chicken. Milk from a cow. Sugar and spice." He said, before putting the glowing ball of magic into the microwave. "Show us the past now." He said, as we were shown Tim's past.

He looked like Ron Weasley from the first two Harry Potters films, only with brown hair, black beady eyes and medieval clothing. "So, that's him? From the way you talk about him, I imagine him being threatening." I said. "Just see why." My dad said.

As we continued seeing, I found out that Tim was born a Squib: Aka a person who has no magical powers despite being born into a magical family. That makes him on the same level as a mortal. He was bullied by witches and warlocks because of that fact.

"Knock it off. Or you'll be sorry." Tim threatened them, sounding like an adult already. Guess puberty hit him at that point. "What are you gonna do? Not cast a spell on us?" The witch mockingly asked him before laughing at him, as did everyone else at that moment.

"You know, excluding present company, witches and warlocks are kind of jerks." My mom pointed out. "Actually, I agree. It's a good thing that Enchantra has been trying to crack down on it." My dad said, with a smirk to my mom. The perfect couple, folks. "Ahem, back to watching the drama fest." I said, with popcorn in my hands.

The only one who remained by Tim's side was an aardvark named Elton, Tim left the Netherworld to plan his revenge on the witches and warlocks. He soon decided the best way to defeat magic is with science. Because of course that totally made sense! He even was a apprentice to Leonardo Da Vinci. How does that make sense?

Anyways, Tim modified Da Vinci's inventions just for his own twisted revenge. Eventually, he test it out on three witches, redirecting their spells at them and turning them to stone. And that's what he did to every witch and warlock he encountered over the centuries as he advanced in technology, all the way to present day. More like a witch-snorter ain't I right? I'm here all week folks.

"Well, what does he have against those who did nothing to him?" I asked, shocking my parents. "What do you mean?" My dad asked. "I mean, why is he going after witches and warlocks who did nothing wrong to him? Is he just hunting us down just because of him grouping us together?" I asked.

"I think we should have Sabrina's Great-Uncle Quigley teach you some more morals from now on." My mom said. "Yeah. However, I think Sabrina might be thinking that Tim isn't that much of a threat to us. I'm just gonna check up on her, just to make sure she doesn't do that." I said as I ran to her house, which is two blocks away from her house.

I got to the porch and knocked on the front door while panting heavily. "Man, I think I've been forgetting some of those training lessons." I said as Sabrina opened the door. "Oh, hey Aaron. Wanna come in?" Sabrina asked me. "Sure." I told her as I walked in. In the living room, I would be surprised to see Harvey sitting on Sabrina's couch, watching something on T.V., but I gotten used to it by now.

Aaron and Madi Across The Multiverse Sidestory #1: Sabrina The Animated SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now