Chapter 24: The Importance Of Being Norma

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Sabrina's P.O.V.-Wednesday-Sabrina's Bedroom

Sabrina was asleep, only for her alarm clock to ring. Sabrina, not wanting to wake up from her surprising pleasant dream she's having for the first time in weeks, cover her ears with her pillow.

Her alarm clock, offended by the gesture, turned itself into a rooster and played the bugle horn, waking Sabrina up. Frustrated, Sabrina threw the pillow at the alarm clock/rooster, who turned out to be Salem.

Sabrina pulled her blanket up to her chin, going back to sleep.

Salem, determined to wake up Sabrina, pulled out a guitar plugged in to a amplifier while wearing a blue afro and played it, causing Sabrina to jump out of bed.

Salem jumped on Sabrina's nightstand, filling up a glass.

"Did we have a good sleepy-weepy?" Salem asked Sabrina in a baby voice, handing her a glass of orange juice.

"It was fine till the akey-wakey by the witty kitty." Sabrina said in the same tone through clenched teeth as she drank the juice.

"Sorry kid, but I know you don't want to miss school today, Today's the day you put the 'sis' in the 'sis boom bah'!" Salem said, snapping his fingers as Sabrina spit the orange juice in his face.

"Yipe! Today's the JV cheerleading tryouts!" Sabrina exclaimed as she jumped off the bed.

"What to wear, what to wear? This? Not, this. Uh, uh, no." Sabrina said, throwing random clothes on the bed.

"*Sighs* Coat rack, cat rack. What's the difference?" Salem asked.

"But I also promised Aaron that I'll do something do something with him before I head off to school. Hmm." Sabrina said, knowing how to get around this.

Five minutes later-Aaron's P.O.V-Sabrina's Attic

Sabrina and I were sitting on some trunks, looking at Sabrina's family tree. The ones on the wall, not in a book.

And Sabrina said that she only have about ten minutes before she needs to eat breakfast and head to school. Hey, at least we're hanging out, without anything weird happening. First time in months.

Tim the Witch-Smeller making his appearance here caused a chain of events that messes up with Sabrina and me hanging out together, so it's great to do this with no strange things happening.

"Hey, I never knew one of your family members married to Cthulhu." I said in wonder, as I pointed out a specific part of Sabrina's family tree.

"Huh?" Sabrina asked as she looked at it.

"Wow, she looks..." Sabrina trailed off.

"Just like you, but older. Yeah, weird." I said, noticing the similarities.

"In fact, did you know that Cthulhu can drive humanity mad?" I asked, causing Sabrina to look at me.

"How?" Sabrina asked.

"Humanity can't comprehend Cthulhu's visage, so when they see him, they'll be driven mad. At least, in most cases." I said..

"Huh." Sabrina said, going into deep thoughts about something as we sat in silence.

"You know, I actually miss the nice Gem. I know she's there somewhere, but this is Gem we're talking about." Sabrina said.

"I know how that feels, missing the nice Salem. But you know what the advices my parents gave me?" I said.

Aaron and Madi Across The Multiverse Sidestory #1: Sabrina The Animated SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now