Chapter 12: Has Anybody Seen My Quigley?

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Sabrina, Harvey and I were walking down the street, talking. "So, you two want to go to the movies with me tomorrow? They're showing..." Harvey said before getting interrupted. "Yes!" Sabrina exclaimed.

"Space Blocks from Space." Harvey finished. "That sounds like whoever made it was running out of ideas for titles." I said. "Oh. Sound great." Sabrina said. "I guess since I have nothing better to do, sure." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Meet both of you at two then?" Harvey asked. "Deal. See ya." Sabrina said as she left. "Sure." I said before heading off towards my house. At least no one dropping a sudden bomb...hold on, my iPod vibrating. I picked it up to see a call from Sabrina. "Hello?" I asked. "Aaron, Uncle Quigley grounded me." Sabrina said.

"Say what?" I asked. "I know." She said. "But why? You have a movie to watch tomorrow." I said. "Because I forgot to write down a message, Hilda didn't water the plants, Zelda did a experiment that made a mess in the kitchen and Salem called him the Quigster." Sabrina said. "...Wait, he grounded a cat, over a nickname?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Aaron, stay focus!" Sabrina scolded. "I am! I'm just surprised that a cat can be grounded over a nickname." I said. "Aaron, the point is I won't be able to join you and Harvey." Sabrina said. "What? But that so unfair!" I protested. "I know, but Quigley won't listen to me!" Sabrina said.

"Well, if you're not going, then neither am I." I said. "Aaron, you can't. It's not fair to Harvey that I can't come. It'll be worst that you won't because of me." Sabrina said. "But..." I began. "Aaron, please. Do it for me and Harvey." Sabrina said. "*Sighs* Okay. But it won't be fun without you." I said. "I know." Sabrina said sadly. "See you soon?" I asked. "Yeah, maybe." Sabrina said before hanging up.

After I arrived back home, my mom tried to surprise attack me with a ambush. However, I didn't bother caring. "Aaron, are you feeling fine? Usually you jump and scream like a girl at my ambushes." My mom said. "*Sighs* I'm not in the mood right now." I told her as I walked to my room.

"*Gasp* Not in the mood? That never happened since...ever! Jake, I need you to talk to our son! He's not in the mood for my ambushes!" My mom screamed in a panic. "Not in the mood for your ambushes? Aaron, what's wrong?" My dad asked. "*Sighs* Quigley punished Sabrina over something small and now she can't go to the movies tomorrow." I said sadly before telling him the rest of what Sabrina told me.

"Oh, that is something to be sad about." My dad said. "And the thing is, it's completely something anyone forgets all the time. I don't see why Sabrina have to be punished. Hilda and Zelda, I could get because they should know better. But for Sabrina, it's too harsh." I said.

"Well, every household and adults have their own certain rules they want others to follow. I know it seems unfair to you and Sabrina, but maybe Quigley did it so they, mainly Zelda and Hilda, could learn to respect his authority. After all, they think since they're older means they can do whatever they want." My dad said.

"Yeah, you're right. Though I do hate that whole 'just because we're older means we know more' excuse they sometimes say." I said. "Plus, maybe Quigley will see that he's being harsh on Sabrina and change his mind." My dad said. "Yeah." I said, starting to feel a little happy.

"Glad to make you smile again. Now, we got magic to do!" My dad proclaimed, holding a wooden spoon like a staff. "You look ridiculous!" My mom said while laughing, causing me to laugh too. My dad pouted for a moment before laughing as well.

Later that night, I collapse onto my bed, in my sleeping attire, exhausted from both magic training from my dad and physical training from my mom. "I hope that evaluation with Enchantra is soon. I don't know how much more I can take. I even missed out on watching old Hanna-Barbera cartoons on Boomerang." I said into the pillow before falling asleep.

Aaron and Madi Across The Multiverse Sidestory #1: Sabrina The Animated SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now