Chapter 32: Saturday Night Furor

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(A/N: Disclaimer: Hi. Welcome to the second of the last three chapters of the year. Now, that doesn't mean I'm done with this story[though at times I wish I could just end it due to how terrible the series is, I still push on], it's mean that this, the previous chapter and the interlude are the last chapters for 2020[wow, the year went by at both a snail's pace and quickly!]. And remember, at the end of the fourth interlude, I'll be dropping a special author's note about the future of updates for this story. With that out of the way, enjoy the chapter!

P.S. Yes, we know the principal appeared only in the comics. And yes, so far we don't have him having a major reason to hate Aaron other than something he really doesn't remember. This chapter fixes that. Thanks for reading!)

Saturday Morning(6:00 A.M.)-Aaron's P.O.V.-Aaron's Bedroom, Dimension's Household

"Okay, last day in Greendale before going on a normal, safe road trip in New York. And since I still can't train my body due to it, well, being injured," I said to myself, glancing at my still-injured body, "time to train with magic. Wonder if I can attempt that circle thing, even if it's crazy. And talking to myself is a sign of insanity." I said.

(Madi: Or Twinsanity. Me: ...You wanted to make a Crash Bandicoot joke, did you? Madi: I thought it was Cash Banooka? Me: ...Okay, continuing on.)

I raised a finger in the air(my pointer finger, so calm down all you angry parents) and started to draw a circle in the air. Surprising, it worked.

To be honest, I didn't had any spell in mind, which I think may be the reason why the circle turned into a pink colored beam that started bouncing around the room.

I ducked for cover as it flew over my head, out of the window and hit something.

I looked out to see...the principal/mayor turning into a woman! And all I could think is, holy crap the magic circle works. And now the guy who hates me looks almost as old as my mother.

Soon, he, er I mean, she looked at her reflection from the downstairs window and screamed. To make sure she doesn't see me, I ducked under my window sill.

Unfortunately, someone else heard the scream. My dad as he opened the front door.

"What are you screaming, lady?" My dad asked, dumbfounded.

I peeked over to see the mayor/principal turned to glare at my dad. "You! You and your son did this to me!" She screamed, pointing an accusing finger at my dad.

"Um, do I know you?" My dad asked.

"I'm the mayor of this rundown, god-forsaken town and the principal of the middle school!" She spatted.

"Um, no you're not. The actual mayor of this town and the principal of the school is a old fatty who is a asshole. Are you Mary's sister by any chance?" My dad asked.

The mayor/principal looked up and saw me peeking out of the window, giving me the death glare.

"I'm not your wife's sister and you're deluded, you teenage playboy of a parent! Your son turned me into this with whatever satanic bullshit he's worshipping!" She shrieked.

"First of all, I'm not deluded nor a playboy. Second of all, my son doesn't study satanic rituals. And third, only one person hates me for being a 'playboy' as a teenager." My dad said, slowly connecting the dots.

"Take a hint!" The mayor/principal shouted, just as my mom poked her head out of the front door.

"Hey, since you never told us your name, I know what we could call you. Janice!" My mom said, much to the anger of Janice.

Aaron and Madi Across The Multiverse Sidestory #1: Sabrina The Animated SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now