Chapter 18: Once Upon A Whine

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Sabrina's P.O.V.-Sabrina's Room-Saturday, five days later

It was morning in Greendale, especially at the Spellman house, as a cold November breeze blew by. "I just can't make up my mind!" Sabrina said as she used magic to pull some bandanas from her dresser, while Salem was on her bed. The options were green, orange, and red.

"Wrap up the magic act and go with the green." Salem said. "I thought cats saw only black and white." Sabrina said. "That's dogs." Salem said with disgust. "Disgusting creatures." He added.

"You're sure you go with the green here?" Sabrina asked, which Salem nods at. "Then, red it is!" Sabrina said, sending the orange and green bandana back. She grabbed the red bandana and wrapped it around her neck like a scarf.

"Ugh. Cheap." Salem complained. Sabrina began walking out of her room, only to walk back in as Quigley walk towards her with an angry look.

"And where do you think you're going, young lady?" Quigley asked. "The mall, Great-Uncle Quigley. Chloe, and Aaron's going to meet me there. It's Saturday and-" Sabrina began. "And Saturday is your what?" Quigley asked as Sabrina tried to remember.

"Chore day." Sabrina said dully, remembering. Even without her three week grounding, which she was sharing with Zelda and Hilda, she still had chore day on Saturdays.

"And the rules of this house is?" Quigley asked with a smirk. "Don't go anywhere until your chores are finished." Sabrina recited sadly, sitting on her bed.

"Remember the family meeting last year. Yours was the deciding vote: chores not done during the week have to be done first thing Saturday morning." Quigley reminded.

"But I only voted that way to get out of doing chores on Friday night." Sabrina argued. "I get the feeling this is gonna unpleasant." Salem said under his paw. "Speaking of unpleasant, Salem, don't you have a cat box to clean?" Quigley asked with a smirk. Salem left to do that, grumbling.

"Dumb rules. Argh!" Sabrina groaned angrily as she stormed over to her dresser to put the red bandana away.

"Rules are there for a reason, Sabrina. It's important to follow them." Quigley told Sabrina as he left.

"Wrong, Great-Uncle Quigley. What's important right now is to blow through my chores and get to the mall with my friends." Sabrina said.

Later, Sabrina ran into the kitchen, where the chore list was listed on the fridge. She was shocked about the amount of chores. "Helen Houdini's Cornflakes! How could I put up so many things?!" Sabrina asked.

"And that is why we follow the what?" Quigley asked. "Child labor laws?" Sabrina snarked. "No, the rules. I guesstimate it should take no more than two hours tops." Quigley said, handing Sabrina the list.

"Two hours? I haven't got two hours to waste, doing chores!" Sabrina exclaimed, looking down at the list. She then smiled, remembering she has magic as she pointed at the kitchen closet, opening it with magic.

"And no magic." Quigley said, as the door shut again. "But I'm a witch." Sabrina protested. "You're half a witch. And remember, you're grounded for three weeks." Quigley reminded. "So is Hilda and Zelda! Why aren't they helping me?" Sabrina asked.

"Because they're not the one who put off the chores and then threw a Halloween party behind my back." Quigley said. "No, they went to one and left me with Salem." Sabrina pointed out. "And, they're being punished too. Just not with chores." Quigley said with finality that told Sabrina that this discussion was done. "Fine." Sabrina grumbled.

Later, in the living room, Salem was woken up by a vacuum. "Sorry, in a hurry." Sabrina said, vacuuming the living room. She was wearing a purple bandana with white polka dots, and a blue overall over her clothes. Salem was on the fireplace mantle, due to the vacuum. "Nice outfit! Gunning for Mr. Blackspell's Worst Dressed list?!" Salem snarked. 

Aaron and Madi Across The Multiverse Sidestory #1: Sabrina The Animated SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now