Interlude #6: Kicking Out Pearl and Sinbad

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(A/N: Well, here's the penultimate interlude for this story. And, like we said, this is one of the important ones. While at surface level, it may seem like a normal interlude, the aftermath of this interlude is what makes it important. Hope you enjoy the chapter. And leave a comment to tell us what you like about the two stories so far or if there's anything we can do to improve on this story and the future stories down the line.)

Aaron's P.O.V-August 2013

"So, are you sure you can house sit for me while I'm gone?" Madi asked.

"Sure. I mean, how hard can it be, watching a house? It's not like it's secretly a Transformer like your tank." I said.

"No, but my Decepticon looking jet and toaster named Yen Sid are." Madi said.

"...At least it's not trying to call itself toaster as a joke for Yen Sid spelled backwards." I commented. "Anyways, if you don't hurry, you're going to be late for that therapy session I set up for you."

"Oh shit. Before I go, I made a list of things so you don't look like me the day my dad left me out in space." Madi said, handing me the list.

"Ok, I'll get this done. Now hurry before you're late." I said, pushing Madi out of the door.

"I'm going!" Madi said, running out of the house. She's forgotten to take a vehicle, but I'm not going to remind her. She's already running late as it is.

"Hmm, time to take a look at the list," I mused, looking down at the list.

The list, well, listed the following:
'If the jet wakes up, tell him either you don't know what an Optimus Prime is or I found him in the Hoover Dam frozen and thought he was a souvenir.
Tell my parent's ashes to get a life.
Do not go in the basement, you might not like it.
Give a middle finger to the camera that's connected to Pearl's homeworld.
Do not go in the basement!
Bring Planet Vegeta back!
Get rid of Pearl and Sinbad!!!!!!!!'

"I thought Planet Vegeta was already brought back," I said, before noticing faint writings. Given that those are commonly either from either erased writings or writings on the other side, and clearly Madi used a pen, I turned the list around to see...Madi's shopping list. "Well, now I know where Madi's shopping list ran off to." I remarked.

So first thing I did was telling Madi's parents' ashes to get a life. I barely avoided getting zapped in the face. "Fricking crazy ashes. Taking offense to a comment." I muttered as I crossed that off the list. And then I was thrown out of the room by a mysterious force. Pun intended and it hurts.

Next up, I walked up to each and every security camera and gave them the middle finger. Since Madi didn't mention which camera was connected to Pearl's homeworld(wait, she was an alien the whole time? I thought she was a magical rock lady.), I decided to just flipped off every camera on the precaution that one of them is the right one. Then, I checked that off the list.

When it came to checking up on the jet...yeah, I'm not going near that thing. Time to talk to Yen Sid.

"I need your opinion, Yen Sid." I said to the toaster. Its answer was to produce a piece of toast. "Thanks, I needed the toast." I said as I took the toast and ate it, while crossing off the list again, adding a question mark at the end.

Since clearly I wasn't going into the basement, and knowing Madi, I think that's the safe option, I crossed it off the list. Twice.

Now, time to tackle the last item on the list: getting Pearl and Sinbad out of the house...forever. It can't be too hard, right? I mean, Pearl isn't that strong, and Sinbad...what he is going to do, take a dump on my head?

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