Chapter 19: Documagicary

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(A/N: Disclaimer: I don't know if I ever mention this, but Aaron Dimension is based off the actual me in personality, health issues and mannerisms.[though I'm not sarcastic most of the time, nor am I hated...besides being bullied in elementary and middle school for my speech issues. Never had that problem in high school, fortunately.] I just thought to mention that just to explain the writing process for Aaron Dimension. Anyways, thanks for reading this and your patience as I write these. And hope you enjoy.)

Mary and Jake's P.O.V.-Sunday Night, Dimension's Sitting Room

"I would say it's a surprise Aaron's been asleep for the past day, but then again, we had been waking him up at four in the morning everyday last week." Mary said as she closed the sitting room door. Despite the fact she had just checked up on Aaron, something she and Jake had been doing during the day since Saturday night, she knows Aaron's Saiyan hearing would pick up on their discussion from the sitting room via open doors, hence her closing the doors.

"Yeah. And that had been a bad idea." Jake said as Mary sat on one of the chairs, opposite of the other chair Jake was on. The discussion had begun.

"What do we do, Jake? Enchantra's evaluation coming up, Quigley's jumping down our throats, and Aaron's paying the consequences for not being able to control his magic six years ago, causing all those people to hate him! Even when we convince Hilda and Zelda to erase everyone memories of him doing magic, and him becoming a Great Ape, they still a vague feeling of him doing something they don't like and they continue to hate him for it!" Mary exclaimed, standing up and pacing around the room.

"I know, Mary." Jake said calmly, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Not to mention he barely remembers what happened at that Halloween party. The signs of possession. And there's also, her, wanting him as part of that deal we made when we were stupid, younger and desperate to hide from our pasts." Mary continued.

"Mary, calm down for a moment. Despite we made this sound-proof, the neighbors might hear. And the last thing Aaron needs is taunts about how we're insane and he inherited that." Jake said, guiding Mary back to the chairs.

"That's the whole problem, Jake! I know you and I can handle all these taunts, we heard them all before! But Aaron's just a kid, and they're hating him for something he can't control! And Enchantra's making it worst by dropping this evaluation on us December 11th!" Mary shouted, trying hard to not go into hysterics.

"Mary! I get it! But as we both know, there's nothing we can do. Greendale is full of idiots, except for Sabrina and Chloe. And maybe that Pi kid. Plus, you forgotten Zelda as well." Jake said, pulling Mary's hand from her hair.

"I know, but that much people aren't enough to break through the amount of hatred a town has! I get it if it was just kids his age or older, Jake. Those, he could deal with! But we're talking about everyone: teachers, parents, younger kids who barely knows him, even store clerks! The only other people who likes Aaron are the librarians and the people down by the bookstore, but you heard the news about them, right?" Mary asked.

"What about them?" Jake asked, curious. "They claimed they were leaving their jobs because they wanted to broaden their horizons. I talked to them and got the truth. They were threatened by the mayor and Filthy Frank, to either hate Aaron or leave Greendale and never return. They choose the second option, because they will never hate Aaron." Mary said.

"God." Jake muttered. "Don't you see? No matter what, this town will continue hating Aaron just for existing. I wonder if there any reason why we should continue living here, if Aaron's gonna be miserable." Mary wondered.

"Because if we move, if we quit, they win. I know it sounds like a dick move, forcing Aaron to stay here. But you forgotten he has Sabrina and Chloe by his side. As long as they're still his friends, he'll never be truly miserable here. Which brings us back to how we're gonna approach Enchantra's evaluation." Jake said.

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