Chapter 9: No Time To Be A Hero

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It was raining as Sabrina, Harvey and I were walking in the park while talking. "But why don't you two want to see it? It's not like Leo Diwolf does a live stage play everyday?" Sabrina asked Harvey and me.

"Look, I know girls like Leo, but Aaron and I would be the only male in the audience. I could tell from the title." Harvey said. "Plus, it's not something we want to go to anyways, Sabreeny." I added. "What's wrong with Moonlit Drenched Nights of Enchanted Smooching?" Sabrina asked us as we stop walking.

"Right off, you know something's not going to blow up. Besides, if any of the guys ever saw me and Aaron coming out of there, they'll TP'd me to my bike and tie Aaron to the flagpole." Harvey said. "That, and it's too romantic." I said.

"Aaron, you think everything in books and media involving romance is too romantic after reading Twilight." Sabrina said. "It's not my fault that Twilight made literature with romance too romantic for me!" I defended.

"Now come on, we'll be late for school. What a lousy day to walk to school." Harvey said about the rain. "Oh maybe, crazy suggestion, we can skip school?" I asked. "No." Harvey said. "But whyyyy?" I asked. "Because we need the education." Harvey said. "But I hate school. We all know that if it wasn't for my grades, the teachers would have me expelled." I groaned.

"Aaron, you know that teachers like you." Sabrina said. "What about last week, when I was bored?" I asked. "You were playing your DS." Sabrina said. "Yeah, because I was bored with their stuff. If they want me to pay attention, they should at least make it interesting." I said as we walked.

"Hold up, my shoe untied." Sabrina said as she was tying her shoe while we were on the wooden bridge. "Whoa, I never saw the bridge so close to the water. The river's really high." Harvey said. "Yeah, but as long as we ignore it and wait for Sabreeny to tie her shoes, we'll be fine." I told Harvey.

"Think it's safe to cross?" Sabrina asked us. "Well, we're standing on it. I think it's safe to cross." I said. "Sure, this bridge been here for a hundred years!" Harvey added, jumping on it and causing it to crack a bit. "Uh, Harv?" I said, nervously. "See, solid as a rock." Harvey said, just before the section of the bridge we were on broke even more.

"Uh oh." Harvey said before we fell through, screaming as we fell into the river. "Harvey, Aaron! Harvey, Aaron, where are you two?!" Sabrina called out, running to the edge of the bridge as Harvey and I were being carried by the river.

I managed to grab hold on to Harvey while trying to swim towards the shore. However, it wasn't working, due to the force of the river. Meanwhile, Sabrina was following after us from the edge of the river. Finally, Harvey and I managed to get back to shore via a log coming out of nowhere, though Harvey was out cold by that point.

"Oh my god! I'm coming Harvey and Aaron! Whoa!" Sabrina exclaimed, slipping on mud and landing on top of Harvey and me. "Ow. Sabreeny, what was that, trying to mud wrestle and failing?" I asked, rubbing my chest which was in pain from Sabrina falling on me while sitting up.

Harvey woke up while Sabrina was coughing. "Sabrina?" Harvey asked. "Harvey, Aaron, are you two okay?" Sabrina asked. "Besides a bridge breaking under us, yeah. Best ride ever! Can we do that again?" I asked with a smile before sneezing a bit. "Great, now I have a cold. Wait, I have a cold, I can't go to school now! Yay me!" I exclaimed with my fist in the air while sneezing.

"Sabrina, you-you saved me." Harvey said, getting up. "Huh?" Sabrina asked. "What? Harv, I think you got a bit of river water in your head, still." I said before sneezing some more. "Last thing I remembered was falling in the water. Now here we are. So you might be right about river water being in my head." Harvey said before hitting the side of his head, trying to get rid of the water.

Aaron and Madi Across The Multiverse Sidestory #1: Sabrina The Animated SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now