Chapter 36: The Hex Files

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(A/N: So, just thought to remind you folks, this isn't part of the main Sabrina the Animated Series continuity. Because of that, some of the plot points might be changed to enhance the story or just so it'll be tolerable for us to do this. If you don't like any of these changes, then watch the show in its original status, for we decided to change things. If you do continue, either you like our content or you ignore these warnings. Regardless, enjoy.)

Aaron's P.O.V.-Thursday, Random School Bus towards the Greendale Observatory

"I'm surprise we have an observatory," I say, sitting next in between Sabrina and Chloe as the other students were throwing paper balls at each other.

"I would be as surprised as you are, but then again, you never lived with Quigley. Ever since he got told he had gotten the job while we were in Manhattan, he never shut up about it." Sabrina complained, before turning towards Harvey and Pi.

"Harvey, what aspect of astronomy will you be writing your report on?" she asked.

"Too...many...coming too fast! Must...stay save Earth," Harvey said, playing his video game.

"Sure, when I play games, I get in trouble. When Harvey does it, he gets off scot-free?" I asked, annoyed.

"Ground control to captain Harv! Come in, captain Kinkles!" Sabrina shouted, annoyed at Harvey too.

"Huh? What?" Harvey asked, before the sounds of his game brought his attention back to it again. "Nuts, I was about to get to level 2. I only had the leader of the Zanshubi battle saucers to plasma blast," Harvey lamented.

"Wait, you're playing Plasma Blasting Zanshubians? If that was a skill, then you wouldn't be in junior high and go straight to space." Sabrina said with a eyeroll.

"You know, if they want Harvey," I added.

"Uh, sorry? Did you say something, earthlings? I mean, Sabrina?" Harvey asked, focused on his game, and flat-out ignoring Sabrina and me.

"Yes. Your astronomy paper?" Sabrina asked.

"The reason why we're even on this trip to an observatory I have no idea about?" I add.

Right at that moment, Gem put her hands on the back of Harvey and Pi's seat and stood up. "Well, Spellman and my sweet Aaron, I know what I'm gonna base my paper on. How Virgos, which include moi, and Scorpios make a perfect love match. Why, you're a Scorpio, aren't you, Harvey?" Gem asked.

"Horoscopes are astrology, Gem, not astronomy. We're not studying birth signs, we're studying stars." Sabrina points out.

"Plus, even if we were, I'm a Leo, so you and me are not compatible," I add, causing Gem to sit back down, pouting while Harvey went back to his game.

"You know, you should say hi to Quigley. And while you do that, you should give a apology gift to Salem," a familiar, and unwelcome voice, said from Sabrina's backpack.

"Sabrina, your backpack is haunted." I said.

"Either that, or the mayo in my tuna sandwich is way past its expiration date," Sabrina said, before we shrugged and say, "Definitely possessed."

I pulled out a sock from my backpack and swung it around for a moment.

"Aaron, why do you have a sock in your backpack?" Sabrina asked.

"It's no ordinary sock. It's a butter sock." I explained as I hit the backpack, causing it to yelp in pain.

"...I'm not gonna ask why you would put butter in a sock," Sabrina said, just as her backpack opened and the owner of the voice glared at us.

Aaron and Madi Across The Multiverse Sidestory #1: Sabrina The Animated SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now