Chapter 43: Driver Ed

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(A/N: Hey, everyone. So, I got a couple of things for you before we begin. First of all, me and my co-author[AKA, my brother] discussed this a couple of weeks ago and decided to make Across The Multiverse Productions into a shared crossover universe, instead of just a series of fanfictions. So instead of random stories taking place in different universes and different timelines, we're having all the stories share the same universe and taking place within one timeline that doesn't change. Thus, we dubbed it Across The Multiverse ProductionsVerse[Or ATMPVerse for short]. Second, like we established for this story, we're going to have different stories having different main characters[i.e. original source materials, we're sticking to the main characters in those, fan-made stories, we're picking characters that feel right and so on]. Finally, the co-author had uploaded family trees, trivias and other assorted facts about ATMPVerse on his DeviantArt page. Here's the link to his page if you're interested. DeviantArt link:

Finally, we would like it if you could comment on this story and the Friends Forever story, as we want to know what you guys like about it, if there's any mistakes we made, or if there are any questions regarding our stories. Actually, any comments would be welcome, now that I think about it. Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter. Please drop a comment, and hope you enjoy your holidays.

P.S. For those of you who don't know, my stories have been copied and pasted on mirror sites, like Novelhd and Teenfic. Don't go to those sites, as they had plagiarized my stories onto their sites without my, nor my co-author's permission or knowledge. If you want to stick with the sites that we do trust with our stories, like Across The Multiverse Productions, or my Pokemon stories, go to Wattpad or, websites which we do trust with our stories. And to those mirror websites, stop stealing my, and everyone's works from Wattpad without my and theirs' permission, or else. This will be the only warning I will give. Hope you actually listen.)

Salem's(Thankfully Brief) P.O.V-Saturday

"Hmm. What plans will I make this time?" Salem mused to himself, before looking at a random stray dog. Then, a horrible idea popped up in his head.

"I know. I'll turn that dog into a handsome stud, then introduce him to Hilda and Zelda. Then, I'll watch them duke it out, while laughing about how I emotionally manipulated them! Proving I'm better at this than that brat named Aaron Dastardly!" Salem gloated while cackling like a madman.

Suddenly, Aaron dropped down behind Salem and kicked him in the rear end, sending him into the atmosphere. "That's for yesterday, Saberhagen!" Aaron exclaimed.

Everyone's P.O.V.-Spellman's Residence, Living Room

"Come on, nerds! It's time to go shopping!" Hilda exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Sabrina and Zelda cheered as they ran down the stairs.

Given this was the first normal weekend in months, the three Spellman females had decided to go out on a shopping spree. While it was to buy some stuff, obviously, it was also so the three of them could hang out together for the first time in a long time.

However, as the three of them were about to leave, Quigley walked into the house with the mail.

"Hilda, there's a letter addressed for you," he said, handing her said mail.

"Oh, goody!" Hilda exclaimed, taking the letter. Then, to Sabrina's shock, Hilda ate the letter. There were fax machine noises coming from Hilda's body, ending with her rear end, where the opened letter fell out of.

Aaron and Madi Across The Multiverse Sidestory #1: Sabrina The Animated SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now