Chapter 20: The Grandparent Trap

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Aaron's P.O.V.-Thursday Morning, Sabrina's Bedroom, Spellman's Residence

A pillow was thrown, causing feathers to fly everywhere. The Three Musketeers were in Sabrina's room. One on her bookshelf, armed with a book, the other on her computer desk, holding another pillow, and the third was standing up, holding a lamp.

"Ah!" Exclaimed the blonde one. "Musketeers, to battle!" Cried the one on the bookshelf, throwing the book at the one on the computer desk, who ducked and slid off.

The three Musketeers met up in the middle, engaging in a sword fight. Sabrina and I screamed as we ran into her closet. "Salem, you promised the spell wouldn't last very long." Sabrina said. We ducked back into the closet to avoid a pillow.

"The more important thing is why did we agree to use a spell from Salem of all people...or cats?" I asked, as two of the Musketeers dueled past us. "I'll get back at you, kid." Salem muttered.

The three met back up in the middle of the room, with the blonde one being cornered. However, he knocked the ink bottle into one of the other's faces. "Sacre bleu!" He exclaimed.

One of them was about to use Sabrina's laptop. "Hey! That's my book report!" Sabrina said. The Musketeer looked confused, before looking around the room for something to use as a weapon. He was about to use my laptop, which I brought along to do my book report along with Sabrina due to school still being closed(we may have changed Gem back to normal...and erased her memories of any magic being used, but the school still close down due to believing they have a mouse infestation.), only for me to grab it just in time and put it back in the bag I used to carry it.

"Salem!" Sabrina exclaimed, as Salem was sitting in her bed, eating cheese, grapes and apple slices. "You know, the French really know their cheese." Salem said, rubbing his stomach.

"This is no time to be eating!" I shouted in Salem's face. "Salem, when is this spell gonna end?!" Sabrina shouted, which was necessary due to the chaos around us.

"*Burps* Right" Salem said, checking his watch. At the same time, the Three Musketeers were surrounded in blue magic before being zapped away.

"Next time, let's just read the book to do the report. Instead of using Salem's magic to summon them to ask questions that's gonna make them decide which one is more important." I told Sabrina. "Agreed." She replied, as we surveyed the disaster.

"Great. My room's been trashed by the Three Musketeers. Good one, Salem." Sabrina said to the cat on her bed.

"Hey, you two are the ones who said you wanted your book reports to really 'come alive'. Not my fault you didn't take time to think it through and realize the spell might've had a downside." Salem told us.

"And if I don't clean up this room, my downside is gonna be in big trouble. Thanks very much." Sabrina said, cleaning up the mess. "Not to mention you're the one with more experience, Salem. You should've remember we don't plan that far ahead." I added, helping out.

"Thanks yourselves. You know, you two have a history of jumping into things before you have all the facts you need. Like, Sabrina, how about that time you put that dinosaur model together and jumped ahead without reading the directions on the glue packet, and then had a plastic T. Rex stuck to your hand for a week? And then there was that other time when you didn't bother reading the whole recipe and ended up baking an exploding cake?" Salem asked.

"Technically, most people would do the same, even if they're experts." I pointed out. "And what about you? What about that time when you tried ice skating because you thought it would be easy, only for you to keep falling. Or when you tried to do two things at once and only get one done? Or what about when you guys when to that ski resort to learn how to ski and you fai-" Salem began.

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