Chapter 40: Harvzilla

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(A/N: Hey, folks. So, before we get into this chapter, I have a couple of things to say. One, when writing this, I came down with a cold, which is why it took a while to work on this. I'm fine, but it's a pain to deal with. And second, the intro for this chapter. Note that it's not the intro for the story[I'll be including a chapter with two versions of the intro at the end of this book], just for this episode. You might be wincing in pain, or laughing from it, as it is a reference from Robot Chicken. The reason for it: to get back at everyone who had hurt Sabrina throughout this story so far. With that out of the way, hope you enjoy the chapter.)

Aaron and Sabrina's P.O.V.-Thursday Morning-Random Auditorium, somewhere in Greendale

Aaron, wearing a black tuxedo, stepped up to the podium. He glanced down at a sheet of paper that read 'Ode to the Nut Shot'. Using his magic on the instruments, he conducted them into playing 'The Nutcracker Suite' by Tchaikovsky.

Suddenly, the view shifted over to Sabrina, who kicked Harvey in the balls, much to his pain.

Soon, at a ballpark, Salem, in the crowd for some reason, stretched his paws out to try and grab the ball. "I got it! I got i-Argh!!!" Salem hissed in pain as the ball hit him in the crotch.

Later, Gem was about to kick Sabrina in her private area, only for the latter to kick the former in the spot first, causing Gem to fall down on the ground, holding the area in pain.

Meanwhile, Quigley was at an audition for a Shakespearean play. "To be-Oh!" He exclaimed as a watermelon was thrown at his nutsacks, causing him to clutch them in pain, as Hilda turned away, whistling innocently.

Salem, gleefully smirking at his recent plan to get back at Aaron, lost that smirk as it turned into an expression of pain. This was due to Zelda's model plane hitting him in the crotch.

Zamboni, who was stuck in his chair, got his nuts chainsawed by a random chainsaw wielding maniac. The only thought he had was, 'Why didn't this happen before I had Ambrose?'

Salem, looking for a cow that he could convince to turd on Aaron's lawn, was unsuspecting of the cow in front of him, who kicked him in the balls. Due to this, Salem stumbled backwards from both pain and shock of the whole thing, before falling into a wheelbarrow containing fresh manure.

Gem, standing proudly with her nose up, got decked in the genitals by Sabrina, who waved a 'I did it!' sign above her.

Filthy Frank, who was at a meeting with Mayor Janice. However, after making a snide comment about her, she walked over to him and kicked him in the balls, causing him great pain.

Edward Spellman, doing an acting job Futura suggested to him a couple days prior, was doing the role of a giant, deranged man wearing only a loincloth, destroying a random city. Only thing, though, was that he didn't read the whole script, given his complete and utter surprise when he got decked in the nuts by a wrecking ball, causing his eyes to bulge out in pain as he held his genitals in pain.

The Lord of the Dance, in a random dance-house, tried to hit on a random woman in her early 20s, only to get decked in the balls by her, falling onto the ground ungracefully.

For some reason, random people, including Superman, got kicked in the nuts at different locations by unknown people. Including one guy who decked himself in the nuts more than once for some reason.

Gem, smirking as she jumped out of the bushes, finally got the chance to kick Sabrina in the genitals. Only to scream in pain herself as her foot broke, due to the metal plating Sabrina had as protection for said genitals.

Scheherazade, in the NetherWorld's dojo, got decked in the genitals by another magical being.

Clint Tarantulino was trying to pitch his next 'big idea' to some random warlock, only to get decked in the nuts by said warlock, already aware of Tarantulino's bullshit due to his public announcement a month prior.

Aaron and Madi Across The Multiverse Sidestory #1: Sabrina The Animated SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now