Interlude #3: Sinbad and Pearl

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(A/N: *Record scratch as Beetlejuice realized what they said about a second season of Across the Multiverse*

"Whoa, whoa. There's a second season?" Beetlejuice asked.

"Yep." Andrew and I say.

"Wow, you guys are prepared. How many season?" Beetlejuice asked.

"Beetlejuice, when you broke the fourth wall, you also broke the thin veil separating us and the comment sections. So, if we tell you, the comment section will hear too." I pointed out, as said comment section, with ears attached, turned around, pretending to be interested in nothing.

"Aw come on. A few comments aren't gonna make you a bunch of losers!" Beetlejuice whined.

"However, the only spoiler we'll provide is that Across the Multiverse will end at some point, even if it take us years to reach the point." I explained.

"Fine, I'll take that. For a bunch of PerkyGoth14 ripoffs, you two got this planned out." Beetlejuice said, as Andrew looked like he wanted to jump the ghost with the most.

"Okay, Beetlejuice, answer this question if we're PerkyGoth14 ripoffs." I said.

"Fire away!" Beetlejuice said smugly.

"Explain why we have character development for both the canon characters and the OCs, a story arc for Sabrina, fixing some of the episodes glaring issues and plot holes, doing this story when we could've dropped it after some terrible pieces of *dolphin chirps* episodes and actually plan on doing a story for you when PerkyGoth14 haven't done the same yet?" I asked, smirking as Beetlejuice smirk fell off his face...literally.

It took a moment for him to actually processed my words, and when he did, he was offended.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Beetlejuice exclaimed as he left, probably going to complain to PerkyGoth14 about where his story.

"How did you do that?" Andrew asked.

"Same as the T.V. show: hit his ego and see the results." I said.

Anyways, on with the Interlude!)

"You know, Goku Xeno never complained about my asshole attitude. So why is he getting on your case for the same 'tude?" Madi asked.

"Gee, I don't know. Maybe because you did the same before him?" I asked sarcastically.

"I did? I don't remember anything period." Madi said.

"Really? You don't remember telling me to stop being a sarcastic butthole? You don't even remember the argument we had weeks before Goku decided to train me?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"*Internet dial-up sounds from the 90's*"...No, not really." Madi shrugged as I fell flat on my face.

"So you're telling me you don't even remember how you admitted you're using me as a hostage for your revenge on the entire Spellman family for something Hilda did?" I asked.

"I have a hostage?! Where?" Madi asked, looking around as I have a sweat drop, while falling on my face again.

This is the Devil? Seriously? And I made a deal with her to protect everyone when she'll forget everything because...?

"I'm a ghost actually." Madi said.

"Stop reading my mind!" I exclaimed.

"I read what was on your forehead. Here's a mirror." Madi said, handing me a mirror.

I took it to see a crudely written 'I'm a loser' on my forehead. I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh heavily.

Pearl and Sinbad. AKA, the two terrors who are out to make my life a living hellhole. And I thought Greendale was bad.

...Nope, Greendale's still awful, Pearl and Sinbad are like preschoolers with their attempts. Drunk, annoying preschoolers that lives here.

""Madison, that's not how dyslexia's supposed to be." Sinbad said as he flew in, followed by Pearl twirling in like a spear wielding maniac.

Speak of the fucking tiny devils.

"So, Green's finally notice his own reflection. A miracle!" Pearl mocked.

"Pearl! He isn't related to Dracula. And Sinbad, how did you notice I CAN'T READ! I never told anyone!" Madi said as I looked at her, shocked.

"You can't read?! Then how did you managed to trick me into a deal, much less commit acts of terrorism?!" I asked.

"That's.... actually an interesting question. How did I do all those things?" Madi asked.

"How do I know?! I just got here, and all because you wanted somebody to use to get back at Hilda, which couldn't you just use her love disasters against her?!" I said, wondering what the heck going on.

First Madi is a jerk and then she isn't. Now she's questioning how's she did acts of terrorism?! What's next, we're gonna ripoff the Team Rocket Trio and try to steal a Pikachu, but fail? Actually, I can see that happening, and it's sad to think about whether Sinbad or I'll be the Meowth out of the four of us.

"So, anyways, want to hear about my history?" Madi asked.

"..." What's is this, opposite day?

"Maybe." Sinbad said with a shrug and eyeroll.

"Meh." Pearl said disappointed, throwing her spear in the wall. Guess she won't be pretending to stab me with it today. "She ruined the fun."

"Really? No one's at least a bit curious?" Madi asked.

"...Okay." I said sheepishly. Hey, as long as Madi isn't walking around the house, ranting about how Hilda and Zelda never changed because change doesn't exist, I'll take it.

In fact, I checked the only dictionary Madi has in this house. For some reason, change was crossed out. I smell something that involves her past. And no, it's not that time Pearl tried to burn down the house by making a spear cake(who does that?!). 

"No. No we are not. Now get out of here, force spirit." Sinbad said.

"Yeah, you're messing up our schedule." Pearl added.

"There is no schedule aside from hanging from your toenails and hopefully not dying afterwards." Madi said.

"Actually, we do have a schedule. Wake up, torment Green, eat breakfast, mock Green, train or watch people getting hurt, harass Green, eat lunch, punk Green, mock you behind your back, plan on ways of killing Green, eat dinner, go to the local bar, get drunk and pass out on the side of the street." Pearl said, ignoring Sinbad trying to warn her to shut up.

"THAT'S NOT A SCHEDULE! THAT'S YOUR DEATH WARRANT, YOU FREE-LOAFERS!" Madi shrieked, as she chased after Pearl and Sinbad, both who screamed like girls.

"NOW GET OUT!" Madi demanded, kicking them out of the house.

Yep, this happened for the tenth time in the past month, yet at first I always wonder why they were allowed back. Now I know, it's because Madi has a short memory. And they take advantage of it.

Aaron and Madi Across The Multiverse Sidestory #1: Sabrina The Animated SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now