• Shh! || Request • [EDITED]

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Requested by @CloudyLemonDrop
Hope u guys like the chapter!

Edit 6/26/2020:
Corrected some dialogues and made a few more paragraphs. Nothing much!


It has been 3 months since you and Shigeo started dating in secret. It was fine at first until it started getting tough because Teruki and Ritsu were breathing down on both of your necks, having the suspicion of you two dating.

Of course, you both denied but Shigeo was being quite obvious which only reeled Ritsu and Teruki in more. Reigen was the only one oblivious about the situation since he wasn't involve in it in the first place. (Sorry Reigen 😂)

"Sh-shigeo-kun, wait up!" You called out to your boyfriend who was standing at the front gate of salt middle school. Your raven-haired boyfriend turned his head to you.

"A-ah, Y/n..! I'm glad you made it! I was just about to leave.." Shigeo said sheepishly as he scratched the back of his neck and his face slightly flared red.

You smiled sheepishly. "Sorry that I was taking long...I had to help a teacher on the way here which took a while as you can see.." You said with sweat dripping from your temple. The boy shyly smiled and shyly held your hand as a sign of forgiveness. His face went to 50 shades of red and yours did the same.

"L-lets just go home...I-I'm tired..." You said, looking away as you felt steam flow out of your head. You felt your hand being squeezed gently before the two of you went off to your homes.


"See? I knew it that they were dating!" A blond haired boy cried out behind a bush. "But Nii-san and Y/n-san always held hands since they were kids.. though it's still a possibility. Might be even an evidence." A charcoal-black spiky haired boy said behind another bush. "RITSU. THEY WERE BLUSHING. WHILE. HOLDING. HANDS." Teruki shouted in disbelief.

"Isn't that natural?" Ritsu deadpanned. Ritsu is aware that they have been quite "clingy" more than usual. It's hard to say since Y/n and Shigeo always hangout together- it almost seemed as if they were dating! But now...that speculation just might be true.


Shigeo waited patiently for you at the gate of salt middle school. "Shigeoooo! Wanna hangout for today?" You said with a bright smile. Shigeo smiled softly. "Sure! I've been meaning to ask you anyways.." He shyly said as he rubbed the back of his neck. Your face reddened. "A-anyways! Let's just go!" You quickly said and grabbed his hand in a rush. "A-ah! Y/n wait up!"

The same two pairs of eyes peered around the corner near where Y/n and Shigeo left from.

"See? They just wanna hangout." Ritsu said, looking at Teru with a "I told you so" look. Teruki's brows furrowed.

"But Ritsu! They've been all more couple-like for weeks!" Teru exclaimed.

"They've always been like that since we were kids! It's a norm now" Ritsu irritatedly said.

Though deep down, he did have a suspicion that they were dating, but he reassured himself that they were being just there natural loving selves.

"Can't we just stalk them one last time to see who's the right one here?" Teru begged. Ritsu hummed in thought. "Fine. One LAST time before we end this bet of ours." He sighed in exasperation. Teru's eyes gleamed in competitiveness.

"I'll show you who's right one last time, Ritsu! Just watch me!" He shouted with confidence. "Let's see who'll win" Ritsu smirked. Then they hurriedly ran to catch up with you and Shigeo.


It was a fine Friday afternoon when you and Shigeo went out for your "hangout". You two were sitting under the shade of a large tree in a park holding two cones of ice cream after the two of you had fun in the plaza.

"Today was fun!" You said smiling in content as you licked your ice cream. Shigeo smiled ever so slightly as he gazed at you. Your luscious h/c hair, your beautiful s/c skin, your glimmering e/c eyes, and your kissable lips-

His face flared red at the thought of your lips. The thought of your lips on his made him feel hot and steaming.

"Hey, you okay?" Your worry-filled eyes looked at him. He flinched at your voice and his face only reddened more. "Shigeo?" You said one more time. You brought your hand up to his forehead. "Are you sick?" You innocently said, completely oblivious to what you're doing to the poor boy.

He finally had enough of the accidental teasing. He grabbed your hand gently and pulled you forward to a passionate kiss. You blushed heavily but kissed back.

"HA! I KNEW IT" A familiar voice shouted in the background. You and Shigeo pulled back at the sudden shout. You both looked back and saw Teru and Ritsu getting out of the bushes and dusting themselves.

"I WIN! IN YOUR FACE RITSU!" He hollered at Ritsu's face and did a little victory dance. "Fine, I guess you win.." Ritsu grumbled very saltily.

You and Shigeo blushed heavily than before. They found out that the two of you were dating in secret.

"So, who asked out first?"


Whew! Almost a thousand words! Hope u enjoyed the long-awaited oneshot! I'm sorry for the wait, I procrastinated for far too long 😅

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