• Wait.. [YWM S.E5] •

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S.E = Secret Ending
Another ending for the YWM arc kuku~


Warning! Mentions of death and blood.
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Finally, the day has come! The day you'll be in his arms again, the day that you two will meet again after 4 excruciating years of being overseas.

The raven-haired man felt his heart swell with warmth and endless love as he daydreams about meeting you again. He can imagine the two of you hugging and cheering as you both reunite; your love for each other still strong and standing. Oh how he misses the feeling.

He places the bouquet of flowers he bought earlier on the passenger's seat of his car and drove his way to your apartment, feeling the excitement rushing through his vein as he places his hands on the steering wheel.

Unable to help himself, he kept daydreaming of your heartwarming reunion; failing to notice the speeding car that was heading towards him. Before he could drive away and avoid the impending catastrophe, the car already crashed into his.

Sounds of wheels screeching and metal banging and crumpling echoed in the highway as the two cars rammed into each other. The other cars who witnessed the crash circled them, immediately calling the ambulance to come help.

'Huh? What... happened..?' Shigeo wondered, losing all the feeling in his badly injured body. His head was bleeding heavily, he had multiple cuts all over, and his blood pooled beneath him.

His almost lifeless eyes moved to the bouquet of flowers beside him. The flowers were tainted with splotches of red. But despite all of that, it looked somehow peaceful.

"Wait.." Shigeo reaches out to the flowers, feeling his heartbeat slow down to a stop. His vision blurred and eyes drooped, black circles dotting his vision.

"I haven't gotten to meet them yet.."

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Istg I'll publish a fluff ending I promise-

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