Chapter 21

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Lorraine's POV

"Girl, I have to say that you are glowing. Quite radiant. Has anyone told you that lately?" Nicole asked me as she came into my office.

"Yes, you. Like over a thousand times already," I chuckled amusedly.  "I have heard it from you like eight times in the past two days Nic. Thank you."

"It is true though and I am just making sure that you know. This relationship is good for you." Nicole responded with a smile.

"So I have been told." I could not stop the grin that formed on my face as I started thinking about Luca.

"So I am taking it that things are going really good between you guys then," Nicole said to me. "Your face is giving that 'good life' vibe."

"Yeah, Nic. Things are going really really great. I mean so far Luca is just so awesome.  He surprises me at the most random time and he is like really understanding and so charming." I told her before shaking my head. 

"Sometimes I can't help thinking that maybe he is just too good to be true."

"I think that is because you haven't been in a relationship for so long and with your experience with Stuart, you are just cautious." Nicole said to me.  "Do not overthink things okay. I think that Luca is a great guy Lorraine, a good guy who really adores you. "

"Yeah, you are right. I just overthink things a little too much sometimes." I said to her before shrugging. "My past relationship experiences do not allow me to have the highest faith in men."

"Well I'm telling you just try to not hold others' mistakes over his head okay. Allow him to prove you wrong. So how is his son doing now?" Nicole eventually asked.

"Oh, Nicolo is doing so much better now. He is able to walk and do things all on his own once again and he is...."

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

The sound of my pager going off alerted us that there was an emergency case which needed our immediate attention.

"We'll pick up the conversation later. Duty calls." Nicole said as we both got up and rush to the door.

"Yeah." I nodded.

Rushing to the theater, I was brief that my patient was a male in his mid thirties who was in a serious motorcycle accident. 

In addition to sustaining critical injuries and blunt force trauma to the head, he also sustained three gunshot wounds. In order for him to have as much as 10% chance of surviving, we had to get operating on him immediately.

In the process of the surgery, thee guy practically died on the operating table twice before his heart started beating again.  Eventually, we were able to stabilize him and we knew that the rest would be up to him. Whether or not he would survive further, was now out of my hands. I did all that I could to remove bullets, and mend all the internal damages done as much as I could as a qualified surgeon.

I was barely out of the operating room before I was bombarded by the FBI and detectives investigating the matter.  It was as if these people did not understand how things work. I could only tell them about the state that he came in and what we have done to save him. We did not even  have a name for him until after the surgery.  They wanted to know if they could speak with him, I of course had to tell them absolutely not.

First of all, the guy was unconscious and with no indication as to when he was going to wake up or if he will wake up.  The least they could do was give him time to see if he was going to recuperate and be able to talk.

"Thank you for your time Dr. Sewell." One of the detectives said to me after I had finished answering his questions.

"Yeah, you are welcome.  It is my pleasure to help in however way that I can." I told him before he left.

My God. What a nightmare?

"How are you doing tonight?" Luca asked me over the phone as I lay in bed lazily.

I had just came home from work after a long and tiring day filled with numerous events, consultations and surgeries.

"I am doing good so far. Well except for the fact that I am being battled by exhaustion. " I yawned even though I was trying to suppress it. "I had a long and rough evening. Five minor surgeries and three major surgeries from two emergency accidental cases. One casualty and I am not sure what is going to happen to the last one."

"Woah, that seems like a lot to handle."Luca said understandingly.

"Tell me about it," I sighed. "It is a lot."

"I know that you are probably not supposed to talk about it considering the doctor's patient confidentiality, but I am just a bit curious. The patient who you said was a casualty... what happened?" Luca asked curiously.

"She was a 76 year old female. Came in with broken ribs and punctured internal organs.  We really tried but there was not much we could do to keep her from dying. Her injuries were a bit extreme and her fragile state made it worst." I told him.  "Why did you ask?"

"I was just thinking that it must be really hard having to deal with issues like this everyday. To deal with incidents like this takes a lot. I really admire you for your love  and dedication to your job." Luca said to me. "You are an absolute hero, I can attest to that."

"Thank you that means a lot to me. But I have always wanted to help others this way. Even back then while I was growing up. It Is a bit sad when we have patients who die while undergoing surgery or before we get to operate but I have come to terms that I can never save everyone who comes in."

"You are really brave and awesome for what you do." Luca praised.

"Thanks, I try." I responded before letting out another yawn.

"It sounds as if you are really tired." Luca noticed.  "I should really let you get some rest. Goodnight beautiful, sleep well."

"You too." I smiled into the phone.  "Goodnight."

Luca's POV

The minute that I had said goodnight to Lorraine,  I knew that I had one more important call to make before going to bed.

"Marco, you were right. Apparently the bastard is still alive. I am taking it that he is still unconscious and not expected to wake up anytime soon. Ensure that he never wakes up from his slumber. Make sure the damages done to him earlier, have more detrimental effects." I said into the phone. "Ensure that he never gets the chance to speak to the FBI or anyone else for that matter. "

Hey guys,  I know that I've been gone for like forever.  I wrote this chapter half sleepinv right now so please understand . I wanted to update months ago but it was like I wasn't myself.  Every time I tried writing I just couldn't for some reason, and I got really bad writer's block. Then I was so busy with school and I hardly had time to write anything.  In addition, when I got summer holidays, I spent four months in Miami. In between working almost 7 days a week, my phone stopped working and I had to get a new one and a new laptop so I just couldn't get anything done until now. I finally had some time to write again and decided to give you this. I'm going to try to see if I can write at least once a week so that you can get a new chapter.

Hope you guys are enjoying this story, and thank you for sticking around.

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