Chapter 31

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Lorraine's POV

I know that at times sibling rivalry or some bad blood between siblings could be toxic, but this was worst. Ever since Alexei's brother Hans had showed up, there was this whole tension in the place. It was so suffocating and thick that you could literally cut into it with a knife.

I got the feeling that the two did not have the best relationship and I could probably guess why. I have spent less than a hour around Alexei's brother and I could tell that he was one of those annoying bully type of a brother. There was no doubt in my mind that the strain in their relationship was all because of Hans and his attitude. Even I was over him at one point and couldn't wait for him to leave.

Then he mentioned Luca and everything even before that was just out of line, I totally get why Alexei was in a mood now. He wasn't the joking, talkative person I had come to know. He was just in one of those solemn mood. I felt for him, and really wanted to cheer him up.

"You're brother was a really interesting guy. " I started.

"Yeah," Alexei snorted. "No doubt about that. "

"No offense, but I think he's crazy. " I said to him cringing. "For a second there I was about to run from the table back there. "

"Trust me, he is crazy. " Alexei responded before laughing.

"You know what I think would be fun, going down to that game arcade on 5th and Seaman street." I suggested with a smile.

"The one that always packed with a thousand screaming kids?"

"It is like 7:20pm right now, and it is a week day today, I don't think it'll be packed with those kids now. The most I think we'll see there is teenagers."

"And that's not even an improvement." Alexei faked frowned then put on a shudder.

"Come on, it'll be fun. Alot of young adults go there all the time and it's...." my phone started ringing and cut me off.

I was surprised to see that the call was from Luca. I looked at the call before looking back at Alexei.

"It's okay,  you should take it."

"I really don't think so. Not right now. Its Luca. " I said to him as I declined his call.

I wanted to talk to him but if it had anything to do with his messages from and calls from this morning, now was not the time for me to take his call.

"Luca?" Alexei asked with his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, you know my ex boyfriend. Your brother was talking about earlier?"

"Oh, that Luca. Never remember the name. "

"It's such a coincidence that your brother knows him but I can't talk to him right now. All call back later. "

I was able to convince Alexei to go to the game arcade. However, my phone kept ringing, and Alexei just wasn't his usual self. Then he received a phone call as well and there goes any little good mood that he was in. He just clammed up, it was so strange. I tried getting Alexei to tell me what was wrong but he insisted that he just always get in a solemn mood whenever his brother comes around. He said that Hans really knew how to annoy him and get under his skin. That I could understand, but it just felt like more.

"Lorraine, " Alexei finally called to after I've been driving for sometime. "I think you should call back Luca. "

"Wait, what?" This shocked me. It of everything I had expected to hear from Alexei this was not it.

"Call him back now." Alexei said as he looked in the rearview mirror.

"Alexei, I don't get it. Why should I call him back now? I mean it not that important that I need to call him right now. Anything he wants to say,  we can probably talk about it later. "

"Trust me this once Lorraine, I would never be telling you how to live your life or what to do in your personal life but right now this is important. Just call back Luca and tell him where you are. "  Alexei sounded extremely serious and I had to admit that it was a bit eerie.

"Alexei, I'm driving now. I can't exactly drive and dial and talk right now...."

"Give me your phone!" Alexei demanded before practically grabbing my phone as he looked behind us again.

"What the hell!? Alexei what is going on, why is it so important to you that I call Luca now or later!?"

"What is your password?" Alexei demanded ignoring my question.

"Alexei! What the hell is up with you!?"

"Look, if you want to freaking remain alive you'd give me your password dammit!" Alexei yelled seriously and I was so frightened that I immediately thought about pulling over.

"Don't even think about it! Do not stop this car, do not turn off just continue driving Lorraine. "


"Look, I shouldn't be telling you this but I cant sit back and allow this to happen..."

"Alexei, what the hell are you talking about? What is up with you!?"

"Luca is not who you think he is, he's the new boss of the Italian mafia family here. And my family is after his. They have been for sometime now..."

"What?!" This news was incredulous and ridiculous. I didn't know how to respond to that, I was in shock but in disbelief at the same time. I wanted to laugh at the sick joke Alexei was playing but then again, what reasons would he even have to tell such a huge lie.

"My brother showed up today to find out if you were special to Romano. My father wants to get back at them by taking away the most important things to them. I was sent to befriend you and find out if you could be used as leverage to get back to the Romano. And incase you haven't noticed we're being followed since we left the pizza joint. Those cars following behind aren't coincidence. Right now, I don't have much power to stop my father, and the rest of my family and just because they are sick enough to want to do something like this means that I want to.

" My father shot me just so that I could get close to you, I dont think he would hesitate to do it again if I try to stop him. That call earlier was him, giving me an hour to bring you to them. The only person who can help right now, is Luca, so just trust me and give me your damn password already!"

"I-its 'A-ame19'." I managed to stutter out. "My nieces nickname and year of birth."

I was literally about to pass out from the revelation, but now everything that has happened with Luca and his family that I've heard about, made sense now. I wanted to pull over and take some time to breathe and clear my head but Alexei yelling at me again and telling me not to stop or we're both dead, was the only thing that helped me to continue driving after such as revelation.

"Lorraine?" I heard Luca's voice over the phone.  Alexei must have put it on speaker.

"No, its not Lorraine, this is Alexei Vladimir.  Look, she is alright for the moment, she's just driving. But I am not the real threat here. My brother and my family are out to get her and you're the only one who can help her right now. This isn't a trick."

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