Chapter 11 - Giggles and Kisses

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"Guess who?"

Cam turned around and hugged Grey not expecting to see her till later. He didn't realize how much he missed her.

"Grey, how did you get in? Also, how did you know this was my apartment?" Cam let go smiling slightly down on her.

"I might be short sure but Jesus I didn't think I was invisible Cam!" Toby laughed looking at the two.

"Toby I didn't see you. Did you tell her?" Cam questioned.

"No, it was the ghost haunting her," Toby said sarcastically "Yes, I told her dufus."

Mason wheezed before tackling Grey.

"Eric control your dog!" Grey laughed pushing Mason off of her.

Eric wheezed more falling off the couch causing Toby to start laughing.

"I should put everyone here in the nuthouse jeez." Cam helped Grey and Mason off the ground.

"Oi, I'm Mason you're Grey trust me we know Cam won't stop talking about-hey ow!" Cam swatted Mason's arm than chuckled nervously.

"Don't take it personally he's high right now." Eric chuckled sitting down on the couch catching his breath.

"So are you and Cameron." Toby piped in.

"Wait Cam you're stoned?" Grey turned to face him seeing his bloodshot eyes she shook her head.

Grey pulled Cam to the couch sitting him down looking closer in his blue eyes. She smiled seeing that he was watching her. When she wasn't paying attention Cam leaned forward and kissed her nose. 

Next to her Eric gagged and Mason laughed.

"Smooth one Camie boy," Eric said voice a little raspy from gagging.

Cam started giggling uncontrollably which caused Mason and Eric to join in as well.

"Toby we're in a crackhouse everyone here is fucked." Grey stood up looking at the boys.

"Back away slowly and they won't see us leave." Toby started backing up.

Grey soon followed watching Mason and Eric because they were closest to her. While backing up Cam pounce on her making them both topple to the ground. Grey blushed looking up at Cam. He smirked and leaned down kissing her lips softly.

A little short chapter but I am sick and disoriented 

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