Chapter 20 - News

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It was 3 hours later, Grey was still missing. Toby and Mason split up and searched the entire mall.

"Did you find anything? Anything at all?" Toby asked looking around still.

"No, it's like she vanished. I hope she is alright. We have to tell Matt, Cam, and Eric." Mason kept looking as well.

A half-hour later the two were walking up the steps to Matt and Grey's apartment. Mason opened the door seeing Cam and Eric screaming at a game and Matt was recording for a video.

"Ah, you three are finally back! Where's Grey? Cam told me she'd beat my ass in CS:GO." Eric laughed looking at Mason and Toby.

"Where is Grey? Usually, she'd be right next to me by now." Cam laughed as well.

Toby and Mason were silent, Mason went to get Matt while Toby sat down next to Eric. 

"Hey, Toby stop being silent it's starting to get weird. You're scaring me." Cam said.

Matt followed Mason and sat down as well they were all silent looking at Mason and Toby.

" so-" Toby got cut off."

Grey we think god kidnapped in the mall and we can't find her anywhere," Mason spoke fast wanting to get it out.

"You're kidding right?" Matt asked looking between the two.

"Does it look like we're kidding? Do you see Grey anywhere? This isn't some prank for a video she's gone..." Toby spoke.

Eric looked at Cam. He was worried about him and Grey. 

Cam's face was blank, he's stomach was filled with emotions. He couldn't talk or move. He sat where he was filled with hatred, fear, worry, love, and scaredness. He wanted to find Grey and protect her but he couldn't.

"Hey, Cam are you okay?" Eric asked.

"Does it look like okay Swags, my girlfriend was kidnapped with not a single trace of her leaving. My friends tell me this and I can't do anything about it." Cam snapped.

Toby got up and dialed the police in the other room. Matt was speechless knowing who had done it.

Grey was silent while the man drove. She looked at her hands in her lap still as a mouse. She didn't speak she just sat there.

"We're here get out and follow me." The man spoke stopping the car.

She opened the door and looked out seeing an abandoned warehouse. Still, she was silent. She followed the man inside watching as he locked the door to get out. There was another male inside. 

When the man spoke Grey felt numb she was filled with fear, 

"Long time no see Grey."

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