Chapter 19 - Shopping With Mason

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Soon after deciding the three should go shopping they left Cam and Matt back in the apartment.

"I'm so excited for some reason I think I'm hyper." Grey was bubbly and very hyper.

"Welcome to the cult!" Mason screeched.

It has always been a joke between Toby, Matt, and Grey that Mason is secretly in a cult. It would explain a lot if you thought about it.

Soon they were on Bourke Street, they went to the mall and looked around. Grey wanted to get a new set of clothes leaving everything at home except for a few things. Mason was messing around in a toy store, he was having a fight with lightsabers with a fan. Toby was in Louis Vuitton looking at the jewelry and bags.

Grey found 2 dresses she loved, 6 shirts, and 4 bottoms which consisted of 2 skirts a pair of shorts and leggings. She was happy with what she bought she decided to try and find Mason making sure he wasn't getting into trouble.

Ten minutes later she found Mason and the small boy fighting she watched them laughing.

"Mason I knew you liked your fans but Jesus I didn't think you'd fight one." Grey said smiling at the boy.

"You and Toby went shopping leaving me alone so this is on you!" Mason yelled stabbing the kid with the toy once more. 

Grey watched them for a while she sent Cam a video of their fight. Once they were finally finished with it the two left in search of Toby chatting.

"How long have you known Matt?" Mason asked looking in some small stores.

"Since my Sophmore year of high school, he bailed me out of a tough situation." She smiled remembering how dorky Matt was.

"Oh, that's cool. Cam and Toby went to school together when they were younger so that's how they met. I met Eric and he met Cam shortly after. Weird couple years that was." Mason laughed seeing Toby, he ran ahead.

Grey was quick to follow but not quick enough. She felt someone grab her waist and turn her around. She struggled a bit before a man whispered,

"If you move anymore I will kill you.." His voice was deep, deeper than Cam's and Eric's.

Grey was frozen with fear she didn't move a muscle until the man was pushing her outside and into his car. He drove away from the mall very fast, he went into the country.

Mason and Toby went looking for Grey. Mason thought she was following him. The only thing they found was her small cat backpack on the ground.

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