Chapter 12 - Butterflies

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Grey closed her eyes wanting the moment to last forever. Her stomach erupted with butterflies. She felt her face heat up when Cam pulled away gasping.

"S-sorry!" Grey covered her face and tried to slow her heart.

Cam smiled and nudged her hands away with his nose and kissed her again. 

Toby was in the back gushing like a kid on Christmas.

"Cut it out love birds we have work!" Mason screeched like an eagle causing Cam to pull away and cover his ears.

"Jesus Mason shut the hell up!" Grey got up and followed Toby outside and to Matt's apartment.

"Omg omg omg!" Toby was jumping excitedly.

"What what what?" Matt got his camera out and pointed to Grey and Toby.

"Cam kissed Grey twice in his apartment!"

Sorry this is short I was working on it but I got busy and realized I hadn't posted in a while I'll post another soon!

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