Chapter 20

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Quinn's POV

It is now 8 at night and I am currently at Anthony's house in his room laying on his legs as the two of us just lay on his bed. "I can't believe that you got another pointless tattoo,everyone I know have tattoos, all but me." Anthony start laughing as he lifts up his shirt to reveal his new tattoo on his chest. "Are you thinking of getting one?" I have to say that I kind of been thinking about it, "Maybe, but I wouldn't know what to get." Anthony eyes light up like a kid at Christmas,"You can look up a million and more ideas and designs on the internet, it all depends on what peaks your interest." I giggle seeing how excited Anthony seems to be at the thought of me getting me first tattoo, 

"I don't want get something stupid, or something that I would regret down the road." Anthony scoffs and roll his eyes, "If you haven't noticed you are in your twenties which means that this is time in your life where you are supposed make stupid mistakes." I look at him with a serious expression on my face,"Quinn, I know that I might be out of line for saying this but I think you need to hear it." I can already tell where this is going and I am nowhere in the mood to hear it. "Then don't say it." I snap lightly at him but he doesn't listen to me.

"Me and a few of the others have noticed that ever since Brenton left that you act like your life is on hold." I turn my gaze away from Anthony because I have heard this all before from everyone else, "You came home because you wanted to get away from the sad and miserable feelings that you were going through, but you instead of leaving it in Wisconsin you brought it with you, and you can't start living your life again until you deal with that fact that Brenton isn't here at the moment." I feel tears fall from my eyes as my heart feels heavy, 

"You don't think I know that Anthony? I am reminded of that every time I wake up and he isn't snoring next to me, all the times that I reach for my phone wanting to text him or hear his voice on those bad days that seem never ending, when I see his face in strangers, and at the end of the day when I go to bed and his chest isn't there for me place my head on." I feel myself starting to break down and I hate to let my friends see me like this. "It's okay to miss him Quinn, but you are drowning because all your strength is going to acing like you okay instead of letting your family and friends help you care that load." Anthony gets up from his bed and gives me a huge hug as I let those feelings that I have buried deep down overcome me. 

"He will come back home Quinn, he isn't gone forever." I just nod my head letting out a few loud sobs and Anthony just stands there hugging me without another word. I am all cried out I pull out of the hug and kiss Anthony on his cheek. "Thank you, my dad and my brother are usually the only ones that see me like that." It is true that I try to act strong in front of everyone, but I think that is because it is my way of avoiding what I am really feeling at the moment. "You are right about everything you said, but it is easier said than done." Anthony gives an understanding look, 

"Just take it one day at a time, and if you need to vent or cry you know that you can come to me or the rest of gang and especially your family." I nod my head wiping the tears from my eyes, "Did you decide on what song that you are going to do a cover on?" I say trying to change the subject, and from the look on Anthony face tells me that he knows that. "Yeah, I was thinking of doing a cover of a song from 2014, but I am not sure what song yet." I look at him smiling as Is it back on his bed, "There are a lot of songs to choose from." Anthony nods his head sitting next to me scrolling through his phone trying to find the perfect song.

"By the way, I loved the cover you sent to me." Anthony just nods his head as he keeps his attention on his phone until he gets up and heads out of the room leaving me alone. I start thinking of one of my favorite songs from 2014 which was photograph by Ed Sheeran, and before I know it I find myself singing it thinking about Brenton.

After I am done singing I hear Anthony let out a breath and I see that he is standing in the doorway, "How long have you been there?" I ask feeling a little embarrassed because I usually keep my singing in the four walls of my bedroom."Long enough to know that our group of friends is filled with singers." I let out laugh nervously as I sit back on his bed and turn my attention to my phone."Why didn't you tell any of us that you could sing like that? It was beautiful Quinn." I just shrug my shoulders as I see Anthony stand in front of me, 

"It is just something that I do in my car or in my room when I know that no one but me can hear me." Anthony takes my phone out of my hand and stares at me, "A voice like that shouldn't be hidden." I look at him then to my phone, " What about Emery who can sing and dance, Calla and Carsten can sing like a professional, you can sing almost as good as Chris, and Tiffany should be on American Idol." Anthony laughs nodding his head in agreement with me, "We are a talented group of people, but we all have a role play and for right now we are content with the role we are given."

Anthony flops onto his bed and grabs his remote for his TV, "I think that we need a dose of feel good movies." I nod my head as I lay my head on his back and two of us start 'The Spy Who Dumped Me'. 

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