Chapter 21

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Quinn's POV

"That is such a good movie,and it has such a powerful message." Anthony smiles as he gets up off his bed and walks over to his TV, "Whose turn, is it?" I ask and he points to me inclining his head towards the glass bowel in front of me with a bunch of pieces of paper folded in it. Anthony and I came up with this idea on our first sleepover when we couldn't decide on what movie to watch, what we do is cut paper and put down the movies that we want to watch, then one at a time you take a piece of paper out of the bowl then whatever movie you pick is the one that you watch.

"We have already watched 'The Spy Who Dumped Me' and 'The Shack'." I say picking apiece of paper out of the bowl, "Fantastic Beast 2." I read off the paper and throw in the trash can as Anthony puts the movie in. "By the way we never finished our talk about you singing." He walks back over and plops onto the bed, "There is nothing to talk about, you heard me sing and that is the end of it." Anthony shakes his head at me, "If I am not mistaken wasn't your dream to star on Broadway."

I let out laugh because I had almost completely forgot about that. "I can't believe you remember that, I had that dream all through middle school and until my junior year of high school when I fell in love with nursing." Anthony presses play on the remote and starts the movie, "I think that you should give Broadway another shot, with a voice like yours you would be a huge star." I put a piece of popcorn in my mouth shaking my head, "I have worked my butt off at college and if it wasn't for my interest in becoming a nurse then I never would have met Brenton." I decide to change the subject not wanting a repeat of the conversation I had earlier in the night with Anthony.

"You never told me how it went at the club with the beautiful girl in the blue dress." I see Anthony's cheek turn a light red as he clears his throat and takes a drink of his energy drink, "It went well, we exchanged numbers and she seems interested in being more than friends with me." I smile at him lightly hitting him in his leg, "That is really good to hear Anthony, and let's just hope that this is one is better than the last one you brought around us." I can tell by the look in his eyes that he doesn't want to reopen that wound and I can't blame him.

"Speaking about that night at the club, do you want to tell me who the handsome,muscular, and half naked stranger was that I saw you dancing with." My heart feels like it dropped into my stomach because this is what I was afraid of,that someone would see me with Nick and start making assumptions. "He is just a guy that met a few weeks ago when we were at the mall and I just happen to run into him again at the club." I already know that sounds like a cheaters excuse but it is the truth no matter how bad it sounds.

"From what I saw Quinn it looked like something serious was going on between the two of you." I shake my head feeling the anger inside of me raise, "It was just dancing Anthony, nothing more." I lightly snap at him which makes me look guiltier than I actually am. "You know that he has a girlfriend." I look at Anthony with confusion and wide eyes, "What are you talking about?" Anthony lets out sigh as he turns his body towards me, "When the two of you were dancing I went to the bar and I heard a girl in a red mini dress say that her boyfriend Nick was paying more attention to a random girl that her his own girlfriend."

I feel my stomach in knots as the girl that was with Nick must have been his girlfriend and that makes me feel sick. "I didn't know he had a girlfriend." Anthony just gives me a look that makes me feel horrible, "I am not going to say anything to anyone Quinn, but I think that you should stay away from this guy."I roll my eyes wanting everyone to let me make my choices in my life and if I fall then I will get back up and learn from my mistakes. "There is nothing to tell, I didn't know he has a girlfriend and nothing happened between us except dancing to one song." Anthony starts to say something but I cut him off before any words can leave his lips,

"I don't need my friends judging me and thinking that I am cheating on Brenton because I am not." Anthony looks into my eyes with sympathy and concern. "We are your friends and family Quinn, we would never judge you Quinn because we love you, but I think what you need to do is take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror and figure out Who are you trying to convince Quinn, the world or yourself?" I let out a frustrated breath not wanting to talk about this anymore,

"Can we please just enjoy our night with each other, I don't want to argue anymore." I know Anthony wants to keep pressing the Nick subject but his face softens a little and he nods his head at me, "Since I am gentlemen it would be rude of me to ignore the ladies wishes." He jokes as the two of us start laughing, "I know that you and everyone else loves me and just wants me to be happy, but believe me when I tell you that I know what I am doing Anthony." He just simply inclines his head and we turn our attention back to the movie. 

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