Chapter One: Hannibal

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Your POV:

I was rehearsing with the other ballet girls for an Opera called Hannibal. The show was today and I hadn't been able to practice all night because my boss kept me up all night forcing me to learn the lyrics. Who is my boss? The Phantom of the Opera. He took me in when the two of us were teenagers because the other ballet girls hated me and would make fun of me because I couldn't write like the rest of them but somehow, I knew how to read.

Anyway, I offered to help The Phantom in any way I could if he let me stay with him down in his home. I told him I would do almost anything he asked even if it was life-threatening. I see myself more like his friend than his assistant. Anyway, we finished our rehearsal and I was getting told off by Madame Giry for not practicing but we were interrupted by Monsieur Lefvré trying to get everyone's attention.

"Thank you," Monsieur Lefvré said to Madame Giry who got everyone's attention, "As you know, for some weeks there have been rumors about my imminent retirement. I can now tell you that these were all true, and it's now my pleasure to introduce the two gentlemen who now own the Opera Populàr, Monsieur Richard Firmin and Monsieur Gilles André."

Monsieur Firmin was a small plump little fellow while Monsieur André was slightly taller than Firmin. Everyone clapped for the new managers but I didn't since I wasn't all too interested. Signor Piangi said something to Monsieur Lefvré to introduce Carlotta.

"Gentlemen," Monsieur Lefvré said gaining the attention of the new managers, "Signora Carlotta Giudicclli, our leading soprano for nineteen seasons now."

Even now, I still question how Carlotta was able to stay in the limelight for nineteen seasons with that screeching she called singing, unfortunately, I couldn't say anything about it. I didn't listen to the rest of the conversation or Carlotta singing 'think of me' but what did catch my attention was the backdrop falling right on top of Carlotta. I looked up to see The Phantom drop a letter for me before rushing away. I looked over the letter quickly to see it was some instructions for the new managers. I went back over to the stage to see Carlotta storm off with Piangi and Monsieur Lefvré walking off after bidding the new managers good luck.

"La Carlotta will be back" Monsieur André assured everyone.

"You think so Monsieur?" I asked walking over to them.

"Yes," Monsieur André said turning to Monsieur Firmin.

"I have a message, sir, from the Opera Ghost," I said with no fear.

"Oh God in heaven, you're all obsessed!" Monsieur Firmin said clearly already having enough of this Phantom business.

"He merely welcomes you to his Opera House," I said earning a groan from Firmin, "commands that you continue to leave box five empty for his use and reminds you that his salary is due."

The two laughed clearly thinking this was all a joke.

"His salary!" Firmin said still laughing.

"Monsieur Lefvré paid him twenty thousand francs a month," I told them making them stop laughing, "perhaps you can afford more, with the Vicomte de Chagny as your patron."

"Mademoiselle, I had hoped to have made that announcement myself," André said slightly disappointed.

"Will the Vicomte be at the performance this evening, Monsieur?" I asked.

"In our box," Firmin said.

"Mademoiselle, who is the understudy for this role?" André asked taking my arm expecting me to show him who the understudy was but I pulled my arm away.

Monsieur Reyer came up to them and said, "there is no understudy Monsieur, the production is new."

I didn't want to be part of this so I left to find The Phantom. I ended up just walking around the Opera House for no reason. While I was walking, I was replaying old memories in my mind. The first time I met The Phantom, my first performance, and my parents who died when I was five in a house fire. At the time I was reading a book out in the garden when I smelt fire coming from my house. I looked over at my home to see everything on fire so I ran into the town asking people for help which eventually came but it was too late, my parents died before help arrived. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a familiar voice call my name. I looked around obviously not seeing anyone.

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