Chapter four: Don Juan Triumphant

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So, I was having a nap when Erik woke me up telling me that it was almost time for the show. So, I got dressed in my Masquerade costume and followed Erik back up to the surface. That's where we separated. Erik went to replace Piangi while I went up onto the rafters to wait for my queue if something went wrong. Well, at least that's what Erik was concerned about.

While I was watching Erik and Christine's duet, jealousy was pulling at my heart enough to make me leave but, unfortunately, I had to stay. Near the end of the duet, I heard a voice come from behind me. I looked to see a young policeman with a rifle. I asked him why he was up there only for him to reply that he was here to kill Erik. Oh, great. But I swear I know him from somewhere. I asked him if we had met before but he didn't think we had.

So, I asked him if he had ever been to my home. He confirmed that he did before it was burned down. He did reveal his name to be Roy Marriner. Hold on! I do know him! We were friends once but we never met again after the fire. But the reunion ended when I heard Christine cut 'Return' short so I knew something went wrong. I turned to see Erik's hood was pulled back to reveal him instead of Piangi. Roy came to my side and pointed his gun at Erik but I stopped him.

'Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime... Lead me, save me from my solitude...' he takes from his finger a ring and holds it out to her. Slowly she takes it and puts it on her finger, 'Say you want me with you, here beside you... Anywhere you go let me go too! Christine, that's all I ask of . . . NO!"

Christine had taken off Erik's mask and wig off for the whole theatre to see. Erik ran off stage with Christine in tow and Roy was about to shoot Erik but I tackled him, pointing his gun at a rope that was attached to the Chandler, and fired the gun splitting the rope in two. I thanked him for the help before running off to find the Vicomte. I made it to the stage to see the Vicomte trying to get someone to tell him where they've gone.

I came up to him and told him that I knew where Erik had taken Christine. Erik wants the Vicomte to the lair for the next part of his plan. I don't know that part. He asked if he could trust me and I told him that he had but to keep his hand at the level of his eyes. He asked why and I told him it was to save him from choking on the Punjab Lasso. Meg showed him how and offered to come with us but I told her not to.

So, I dragged him through a secret door and led him through the labyrinth. We came to the spiral staircase and hurried down but, I forgot about one of the traps, and, well, we fell down the trap door into a pit of water. I looked up to see the gate above us slowly coming down so I quickly dived under the water to find the wheel that would lift the gate up. I found it and tried to turn it but it was really tuff to turn.

It's been underwater too long. I swam back up for air and I saw the gate was closer now. I told the Vicomte that I needed him to go under with me so we could save ourselves from drowning. He nodded and we both took a deep breath before diving down. We struggled with the wheel but finally got it to turn and the gate started to rise.

We climbed out of the water gasping for air. I got up and got my hat before offering the Vicomte my hand. We had to take a detour now. He took my hand to get back up while telling me to call him Raoul. Alright then. I led him to the lair to see the gate closed. We could see Christine in a wedding dress and Erik in his normal attire standing in front of each other.

"Wait, I think my dear, we have a guest," Erik told Christine.

"Raoul!" Christine called out.

"Sir, this is indeed, an unparallel delight! I had rather hoped that you would come. And now my wish comes true. You have truly made my night!"

'Free her!' Raoul ordered Erik who just laughed, 'Do what you like only free her! Have you no pity?'

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