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Stage of the Opera Populaire

The contents of the opera house are being auctioned off. An Auctioneer, Porters, bidders, and Raoul. The action commences with a blow from the Auctioneer's gavel.

"Sold. Your number, sir?" The Auctioneer asked the man, "Thank you. Lot 663, then, ladies and gentlemen. A poster from this house's production of Hannibal by Chalumau."

"Showing here," a Porter said revealing the Hannibal poster with La Carlotta as Ellisa holding a severed head.

"Do I have 10 francs?" Silence, "5 then."

A man held up his number, "5 I am bid."

Another man then put up his number, "6."

And another, "7. Against you sir 7. 8?"

The man gave a nod, "8 once. selling twice sold to Monsieur Deferre. Thank you very much, sir."

"Lot 664," the Auctioneer continued, "a wooden pistol and 3 human skulls...from the 1831 production of Robert le Diable by Meyerbeer. 10 francs for this."

One of the men from earlier put his number up, "10 thank you. 10 still."

Another man put his number up, "15, thank you. 15 I'm bid. Going at 15. Your number sir?"

"Lot 665 ladies and gentlemen," the Auctioneer once again continued, "A papier-mache musical box in the shape of a barrel organ. Attached, the figure of a monkey in Persian robes playing the cymbals. This item, discovered in the vaults of the theatre, still in working order."

"Showing here." The porter said letting the music box play Masquerade gaining Raoul's attention at last.

"May I commence at 15 francs?" The Auctioneer asked before seeing Raoul put up his number, "15, thank you."

"Yes 20 from you, sir. Thank you very much." The Auctioneer said noticing someone else's number pop up.

Madame Giry held up her number, "Madame Giry 25. Thank you, Madame. 25 I'm bid. Do I hear 30?"

Raoulput up his number again, "30. And 35?"

Madame Giry shook her head, "Selling at 30 francs then, 30 once, 30 twice. Sold, for 30 francs to the Vicomte de Chagny. Thank you, sir."

Raoul was given the music box and looked it over remembering Christine before her unfortunate death.

'A collector's piece indeed... every detail exactly as she said... She often spoke of you, my friend... your velvet lining and your figurine of lead... Will you still play, when all the rest of us are dead...?' Raoul sang sadly in his head.

"Lot 666, then: a chandelier in pieces." The Auctioneer said looking up at the covered Chandelier above, "Some of you may recall the strange affair of the Phantom of the Opera, a mystery never fully explained. We are told, ladies and gentlemen, that this is the very chandelier which figures in the famous disaster. Our workshops have repaired it and wired parts of it for the new electric light. Perhaps we can frighten away the ghost of so many years ago with a little illumination. Gentlemen!"

Coney Island

Madame Giry stood looking at the ruins of the once famous Coney Island. The waves crashing against each other. The wave washing up on the shore before going back into the sea.

"Phantasma, city of wonders. Mr Y presents marvellous astonishments, human prodigies," Madame Giry said remembering it all from years ago, "Ha. The Oolala Girl, five performances daily. Christine Daae, the soprano of the century. Gone, all gone."

"Yes, there's nothing left, nothing but ghosts, but I knew you'd come back, Madame Giry," Miss Fleck said to her from behind.
Madame Giry turned to Miss Fleck with a jump, "You, you're still here?"

"Of course we're still here," Miss Fleck told her, "the freaks, the monsters, the bizarre. Where else could we exist but here? And after the tragedy, after the master and Jac disappeared with the children, after the fire that consumed everything!"

"His dream. Their dream," Madame Giry said

"Remember how it was? Remember?" Miss Fleck asked, 'Coney Isle, Glistening and glimmering. Rising bright drenched with light. See it smile, beckoning and shimmering all agleam like a dream.'

'Every fantasy set free, sudden rising by the sea,' the duo sang together remembering what Coney was like years ago.

'Coney isle, miracle of miracles. Light and sound all around. Mile by mile, loud and lewd and lyrical. Thrill on thrill. Never still. All America was there beggar next to billionaire.' Madame Giry sang.

Madame Giry took a moment to remember the people of America flooding into Coney with smiles and excitement.

'In they came, chasing sensation and romance. Eyes aflame, desperate for pleasures yet unknown. Night and day pouring in by the hundreds of thousands swept away as their every desire was made real' Madame Giry sang once again.

"That's the place that you ruined you fool!" Miss Fleck exclaimed to Madame Giry pulling her out of her daydream.

"What do you mean?" Madame Giry asked.

"That's the world you destroyed with your greed!" Miss Fleck told Madame Giry angrily.

"It wasn't my fault! I couldn't have known!" Madame Giry said in defence.

'Don't you remember what happened back then?' Miss Fleck asked, 'When we even we dared to walk among men! When even a phantom could dream his dark dreams once again...'

(A/N: yeah I said I was putting this book to a close but then I remembered I forgot to do this. Hope you enjoyed my Phantom of the Opera x reader fanfiction.)

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