Chapter Three: Masquerade

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I was currently making a new outfit when Erik came into my room.

"(Y/N), can I ask you to do something for me?" Erik asked.

"What do you need?" I asked.

"I need you to leave me for a few months," he said making me stop what I was doing and look at him, "I wish to be alone for a while but, I'll send you a letter to you when I need you back."

"Where do you expect me to go?"

"Visit your family. They surely would be missing you."

"Erik, I have no family," I finally confessed

"Is that an excuse not to leave?"

"No. My family is dead."

He was still unconvinced so I stood up, took his hand, and led him to the boat. I told him we were going out for a few minutes. I could tell he wasn't in the mood to argue so he put his cloak and hat on and got into the boat. We went through a secret exit and I basically dragged him to my old home where it was still burnt from twenty years ago.

"Why have you brought me here?" He asked, "this is an old Vicomte manor."

"This was my home," I told him, "it burned when I was five."

"Hold on, you're a Vicomtesse?"

"(Y/N) Vicomtesse (M/N) (L/N)."

"You never told me that you're a Vicomtesse."

"Because at the time I didn't want to tell you or anyone for that matter. You are the first person I've told."

"What happened?"

"I was reading outside in the garden when I smelt smoke and saw the whole house on fire. I ran into the town asking for help."

"Did help come?"

"Yes. But it was too late."

I looked over at my old home waiting for Erik to say something.

"You were right. They did die."

I just nodded and started crying. Erik hugged me rubbing my back and I hugged back crying into his shirt.

"If I was quicker I would've saved them," I sobbed.

"Don't blame yourself (Y/N)," Erik told me, "these things do happen."

"I just wish it didn't happen."

"If it didn't happen then you would never have met me," he said stroking my hair, "you wouldn't be able to wear or do the things I allow you to get away with and by now you'd be married to a Vicomte not out of love but chosen for you."

"You're right. But I still miss them."

"I can't say I know how that feels."

"Now that you know the truth, can I still stay with you?" I asked looking up at him.

He placed his index finger under my chin and said, "you are my best friend, of course, you can stay."

After I calmed down, we headed home where we both went to bed as it was dark out. But weeks later, while I was still making my new outfit, I heard Erik singing.

'No one would listen
No one but her
Heard as the outcast hears.

Shamed into solitude
Shunned by the multitude
I learned to listen
In my dark, my heart heard music.

I longed to teach the world
Rise up and reach the world
No one would listen
I alone could hear the music

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