Chapter sixteen: Pregnancy days

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It's been about seven weeks since (Y/N) and I became husband and wife and (Y/N) has been sick for the past week. Gustave and I are starting to get worried.

"(Y/N), let me call a doctor," I told her for the 4th time now, "this isn't normal."

"I give in," she said finally.

I called the doctor and he came to check on her. He checked her temperature and her heart before jotting down some notes.

"Captain, how long have you been feeling nauseous?" The doctor asked her.

"About a week now," she replied.

"And have you been feeling fatigue?"

"I suppose?" She replied confused.

"And what of your appetite?"

"She has been eating more than usual," I replied, "I didn't think much of it until now."

"Well, Captain, I wasn't sure but I am now," he said, "you're with child."

"I'm what?" She asked.

"You're with child Captain," he repeated, "your second child."

'Second?' I asked myself, 'oh! Joanna.'

"Jac," I said, "it pains me to tell you that I will not allow you to perform in Phantasma while you're with this child."

"But, Mr Y, what are you going to tell the public?" She asked playing along, "you had no excuse for my disappearance over a year ago, what are you going to tell them now?"

"The truth, Jac," I told her, "unless you have an excuse why you're away for nine months then do tell."

"No," she replied.

"So that's what I will do."

"I agree with Mr Y, no more shows," the doctor told her, "stress and too much movement may harm your child."

"I wish I knew the movement part while I was with Joanna," she said.

"Well now you know," he said, "I will come and check on you in a couple of weeks."

And with that, he left (Y/N) and I alone.

"Are you really going to tell the truth?" (Y/N) asked.

"I'm afraid so," I said sitting on the end of the bed, "but it's up to you if I tell them it's ours."

"May as well," she said, "I don't want to be bombarded with questions by the press if they decide to get involved."

"I understand."

(Time skip)

Your POV:

I was 12 weeks along and my baby bump started to show. I only noticed when I was about to take a bath and I looked into the mirror. That night, while Gustave and I were making dinner, Erik came home.

"Good evening you two," Erik said once he entered the kitchen.

"I think you mean three, Papa," Gustave corrected him since he knew about my bump first.

Erik looked confused until I pulled my puffy dress back to reveal my bump.

"Is this them?" He asked pointing at my stomach.

"Yes," I replied.

(Time skip)

My cravings have started. Earlier today, I made some brownies and snacked on them with some pickles. Gustave and Erik thought that was disgusting but I didn't care.

(Time skip)

Erik was teaching Gustave how to compose since he had the day off and I just read since I had nothing else to do today.

"That didn't sound right," Gustave said when he played a note that didn't fit.

"Try again," Erik told him.

"And try not to rush," I added.

"Okay," Gustave said.

They continued and I kept reading until I felt the baby kick after a while.

"Care to spare a moment?" I asked.

"Why? What is it?" Erik asked.

"The baby kicked," I told them.

"Is that a good sign?" Erik asked a little worried.

"Yes," I assured him, "would you like to have a feel.

They wasted no time to come over and put their hands on my stomach. It was a while until the baby kicked again.

"Does it hurt when they kick?" Gustave asked.

"A little," I replied.

(Time skip)

It was almost time so Erik, Gustave and I were setting up all the baby things in Gustave's room since he said he didn't mind sharing a room. Erik and Gustave were setting up the more complicated things while I sorted out baby clothing, nappies, (A/N: I don't know what they used to call them.) Burp cloths and other things.

"Having fun boys?" I asked since they were having trouble with the cot.

"This is more complicated than I first thought," Erik admitted.

I chuckled, "I'd help you if I could."

"You rest (Y/N) while Gustave and I figure how to build this," Erik told me.

(Time skip)

I was reading to Gustave while Erik was working in Phantasma when I felt a sharp pain making me stop reading.

"Are you alright Mother?" Gustave asked.

"I think so," I replied, "Gustave, go and get your father, it might be time."


Erik's POV:

I was playing my piano when I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.


"Come in," I said.

Gustave came in, "Mother told me to get you, she thinks it might be time."

I didn't need to be told twice. I sprung from my seat and rushed back to the house. When we arrived back, we saw (Y/N) laying on the sofa.

"Are you alright?" I asked coming to her side.

"Just a bit of pain," she replied, "no need to panic yet."

"Should I call the doctor Papa?" Gustave asked.

"Not yet Gustave," (Y/N) said, "I'll tell you when."

(Time skip)

(Y/N)'s pains have been getting worse so she told Gustave to call the doctor. (Y/N) was kneeling on the floor while leaning on the sofa and doing her breathing exercises to try deal with the pain.

"OH GOD!" She exclaimed.

"What is it?" I asked.

"My water broke!" She told me.

I picked her up bridal style and brought her to our bedroom. When the doctor arrived, (Y/N) as almost screaming at the top of her lungs from the pain. I was doing her breathing exercises with her while kissing her hand from time to time and telling her she was doing good.

"Would you stop kissing my fucking hand!" She shouted.

"Sorry," I said shyly and terrified.

This continued for another few hours until she finally gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She had my skin tone, (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes and her (H/C) hair. She was just beautiful.

"What shall we call her?" I asked.

"How about... Millicent?" (Y/N) said, "we'll call her Millie for short."

"I like it," I said looking down at Millie, "Millie Destler."

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