Chapter eleven: Please Miss Giry

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"My God," Madame Giry said.

'Then I saw her down the hall, pulling someone pale and small and she looked all about and then scurried out the door,' Fleck told Erik.

'God I left her so distraught. Please, who knows just what she thought,' Giry sang, 'I'm afraid she's come undone but she won't hurt him. Meg would never hurt him. How could she hurt him?'

I looked at my compass to see it was pointing at the pier. That's where they went. Oh no!

"I know where they've gone," I told them, "but we must hurry!"

"In that crowd?" Giry asked, "there are millions of people out there!"

"Gustave... my poor Gustave!" Christine said in worry.

"There's no time to waste!" I said heading out of Phantasma.

"Gustave!" Christine said following me.

Well, Madame Giry was right, there were millions of people here. I headed to the pier but, Erik, Christine and Giry split up. What part of 'I know where they've gone' did they fail to properly grasp? All of it apparently. The three were calling and guessing where they were while I followed my compass.

"To the pier!" I told them, "Now! Hurry!"

"What makes you think they're at the pier?" Erik asked.

"Points to the thing you want most remember?" I said showing my compass.

"Of course," he said.

We got to the pier to see Meg and Gustave.

"Gustave!" Christine shouted.

"Mother!" Gustave shouted back.

"No, I'm not done yet!" Meg said leaning Gustave on the edge of the pier stopping us in our tracks.

"Let go of the boy now!" Erik ordered.

'Not another step!' Meg told him.

"Let go of him girl," Erik said seriously, "or I promise you I-!"

"Not another word!" Meg interrupted, 'always wondered how to make you watch well, watch me now!'

We stayed silent so Meg continued, 'I took a little trip to Coney Island, I took a little trip because of you. I did as mother said and followed where you led and tried to do what little I could do. Well, here's the way it works on Coney Island, they make you pay for every little crumb. I gave what they would take, I gave it for your sake, now look at me and see what I've become.'

I think we were all perplexed at this point. What was she talking about?

'Bathing beauty on the beach,' she continued, 'bathing beauty in her dressing room. Bathing beauty in the dark, on their laps, in their arms, in their beds!'

"Meg, my little Meg..." Giry said sadly.

'What did you make her do Giry?' I asked myself.

"What are you saying?" Erik asked clearly oblivious to what she's talking about.

'Who help you raise the money? Who helped the permits come through?' Meg asked, 'who greased the wheels of you high flying deals? Bought you time when the bills came due? Who swayed the local bosses? Curried favour with the press? No, not her.'

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