skit3 pt1 skin-bandits

39 1 0

((at a bar in flats lagoon))

bar patron 1: I heard about a good spot for some loot in the ash-lands

bar patron 2: the ash-lands? are u mad that place is crawling with mad skeletons

bar patron 3: and even if they don't kill, you the bug-men in the south will, or the land-bats in the east, or be burnt alive by pillars of fire in the north

barkeep: or worse those skin bandits, they'll peel your skin
from your still-living body and wear it

bar patron 1: yea fuck that I'm staying

((a large shek even by shek standards walks up to the patrons, he wears an Ashland hat+goggles, merc plate armor with sandals and has a KLR left arm))

???: so where these skin bandits you talking about

barman: you must be mad if your thinking about going after them

???: I'm just scouting for my men

barman: oh...ok *gives map location*

???: thanks

((then the stranger walks out of the bar as a dust-storm is approaching, he then takes off his hat))Hornsy: 50k here I come

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