well worth rewards

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as the heist team was doing their thing, hornsy got to work on the tower with a Garu to help haul loot

outside the tower he noticed several HN guards patrolling the wall constructed around the lab. hornsy the noticed a small gap under the wall in which he snuck through, it also had enough cover from the acid rain to not burn the Garu

hornsy: let's see what shit you got inside

he then snuck underneath the small gap and made his way up the ramp to the front door. leaning inside he noticed swarms of security spiders, but these were different, they had more armour, stronger legs, and 4 sharp deadly blades attached to arms around its body 

hornsy: damn, whoever put these guys here does NOT want whatever inside to be nabbed, but how am I gonna get past them

he then notices a large box outside

hornsy: I know if Ruka was here she would say that this wouldn't work, but fuck it, sounds fun 

a few seconds later a box began to crawl into the lab, the spiders moving around it

hornsy: in his head heh, stupid spiders, cant see into crates

he then made his way up to one of the loot floors, as he did, all the spiders stopped and were alerted and all of them headed downstairs passing hornsy

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he then made his way up to one of the loot floors, as he did, all the spiders stopped and were alerted and all of them headed downstairs passing hornsy

hornsy: in his head the fuck are they going?

meanwhile outside

HN guard: ah, i see you're here for the purging

HN high paladin: correct, the holy phoenix suggested we try our luck at cleansing this hell hole

HN guard2: SHIT, there coming out!!!

HN guard: man the crossbows, quick!

back inside the lab

hornsy: huh, I think it' a smart idea to lock the door

he then went and did that noticing the HN attacking them

hornsy: now, thanks to those idiots I can loot in peace

he then went rummaging in the upstairs rooms managing to get some AI cores, science books, various valuable materials. but what caught his eye was a large safe, one by the ancients, it had a lock, no cylinder. next to it, on the floor, a plant pot with some sort of dead plant. hornsy decided to move it out the way revealing a hole in the floor with a long key

hornsy: seriously, that was the most cliché shit I've seen

he then inserted the foot-long key into the slot and turned

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he then inserted the foot-long key into the slot and turned. as he did the inside mechanisms began to move and groan and the doors opened up. inside were a ton of books from the ancients, all perfectly preserved, there are also several small boxes as well

hornsy: fuck yea, jackpot!

he then bags the loots using some empty crates to haul stuff outside to his Garu

hornsy: alright, everything packed up, lets got

then one of the spiders comes round the corner noticing hornsy and the Garu with his loot. it then let out a loud screech and charged both of them as fast speeds, but not enough to outrun them. hornsy then books it down the hill. he then notices the skimmer cart and starts running towards it with the Garu in tow


back over at Adrian's house

hornsy: and that's how my looting experience went

Adrian: weird-looking security spider you say? hey burn, didn't you and I discover some weird looking ones in that underwater ravine lab?

burn: the flooded one with all the winding tunnels and glass tubes filled with that green stuff?

Adrian: that's the one. now I must thank you for compleating the job, like father like son. I also did say you could take what you collected from there. now I bid you a safe return and maybe we'll come to visit

hornsy: brilliant, I'll have to bring out the good stuff for mum then

kylie: and ill bring some beak thing quiche for both of my boney babies

bonesy: thanks mum, also hornsy

hornsy: yea?

bonesy: I was thinking, could I come live with you?

hornsy: that's a stupid question, of course you can, were family after all

bonesy: fuck yea!

kylie & Adrian: language 

bonesy: s-sorry

and then they headed off back home with bonesy heading back to morn to gather his supplies and stuff while hornsy gets a suitable building up and running. hornsy gave the selection of books and junk he got from that ancient vault to Dr Chung to read up on

the adventures of hornsy and the blacksand mercsWhere stories live. Discover now