running rapscallions

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the next day, in the afternoon, Hornsy and the gang are hanging out at Grimmus's place, chatting about their personal adventures before Hornsy came and recruited them. The times when they weren't talking was drinking and some board games like Ur and chess, with Grimmus beating everyone including Chung and Izumi

Dr Chung: how are you so good at this?!

Grimmus: practice... that and the ability to calculate and perceive alternate states of reality to determine which one would provide the best outcome

Everyone in the room was silent and confused

Grimmus: *sigh* I planned 5 steps ahead

Hornsy: I get it

Out of the corner of his eye, savant noticed a small boy leaving with Hornsy's and Grimmus's sword. The boy and savant locked eyes for 10 seconds as everyone else continued

Savant: THEIF!

Everyone in the room snapped their gazes towards the pintsized pilferer

Grimmus and Hornsy: dat maggot nabbed ma' sword!

The 2 of them quickly got up and bolted toward the boy, who was frightened, jumped out the window onto an awning and ran off into a nearby ally with an angry Shek and Grimm following right behind him.

The boy led them into the market and managed to weave through the crowds losing the pair as they franticly searched amongst the sea of faces, unable to find the little rat until Hornsy spotted him heading into an ally

Hornsy: he's over there!

The 2 then chase after him, but upon entering the small ally, it leads to a dead-end

Grimmus: well we lost him

Hornsy: not yet there are still tunnels underneath the city the little rat could have just crawled into one of them

Grimmus: wait you have tunnels underneath your city?

Hornsy: yeah, of course I do, a lot of space underground to store stuff as well as people and water as well is very useful, and to be honest, and I'm surprised nobody else thought of that

Grimmus: well I doubt anyone would love to live underground away from the sun

Hornsy: yeah yeah, shut up and look for the entrance

They searched around looking under every rock bag and bits of trash that they could find until hornsy found a loose brick which was connected 2 a hidden door. inside was a small tunnel leading downwards at an angle

Grimmus: well looks like we found the entrance but I don't think we can fit down there I think

Hornsy: I don't know, can we?

Grimmus: when unless you lost a few pounds and go right ahead

Hornsy: asshat

They both entered inside. The Dry sandstone above them Was tall enough to allow them to walk Hunched over without impediment, though Hornsy has to duck thanks to his large size.

the tunnel goes further down until they reach a large room the walls are nice and smooth with a carpet in the middle of the room and a small table with an empty Cup. in one corner there were several sacks of flour and other food products and valuable items

the adventures of hornsy and the blacksand mercsWhere stories live. Discover now