in the land of "where the fuck am I?"

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Cat Lon was perplexed seeing that in his whole life, he has never heard of a Grimm before

Cat Lon: may I ask, what are these "Grimm" you talk about?

grimmus: can't say much im afraid; only that we were created for a specific purpose, so...mind telling me where the fuck am I? cause this is all new to me

Cat Lon: you are in the Ashlands; on the south-east coast of the isle of Kenshi

grimmus looked out a hole in the wall and noticed ruined buildings caked with grey ash which fell from the clouded sky

grimmus: huh, please tell me that the rest of the island isn't like this?

Cat Lon: from what my scouts say it's just the Ashlands that are affected; the rest is rather hot with deserts, steppes, massive swamps and a volcanic plain

grimmus*sarcastically*  wow sounds cheery

Cat Lon: mind telling me where you're from?

grimmus: can't say that either. well anyway, do you happen to have a map and some spare clothes per-chance?

Cat Lon*still confused* um...of course, here

the map contains information about several waystations, towns, villages, and cities, military bases and who owns them. another machine man comes out with several pieces of clothing

Cat Lon: seeing that we don't know your size so we brought out everything we could

grimmus then chose a dark grey shirt, sneaky chain cargo pants, drifter's boots, swamp ninja rags and a Kusari Zukin along with a backpack,  some ration packs and a pack Garu

grimmus: ooooh nice, how does it look?

Cat Lon: umm...rather fitting for a person like you. so now what?

grimmus: dunno, I guess I'll travel around a bit and wait for my friends to pick me up

Cat Lon: well...good luck then, I'll keep this safe here

grimmus: thanks, hope ill see you again sometime

Cat Lon: yes...also I told my men not to attack you, the outside world is very dangerous, just don't go to the holy nation unless you want to be enslaved

grimmus: noted

Cat Lon: oh, there is also an old outpost here *points to a place in the volcanic plains* the security there is no longer under my control but the gear inside is worth a few cats

grimmus: why are small adorable animals a form of currency here 

Cat Lon: wha-no, why would people do something like that?

grimmus: alright then, well im off

Cat Lon: safe travels 

he then started to exit

Cat Lon: wait not tha-

grimmus: hu- Woah, AHHHHhhhhhhhhh *thud*

Cat Lon then rushed over to the exit to find grimmus face 1st in the ash 25 ft below

grimmus from below: im ok...

Cat Lon: I was going to say that the building connected to that exit collapsed a while ago

grimmus from below: you should have told me BEFORE i left

grimmus then got up and started heading west and then north towards the outpost, along the way he met the remnants of the skin bandits and south hivers fighting; he basically went "fuck that" and moved on, he then camped out for the night (shown in yellow), through his rest was short-lived when a bolt came out of nowhere and landed next to his head, in response he booked it out of there as fast as he can. eventually, he made it to the outpost and got a good rest 

the next morning, he got up and attempted to enter but the door was unfortunately locked, he then pulled out a handle of some sort of sword, but without a blade

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the next morning, he got up and attempted to enter but the door was unfortunately locked, he then pulled out a handle of some sort of sword, but without a blade. he pressed a button on the side in which the crossguard extended and split apart, then a wicked red light filled-in the spaces until it was the size of a plank but slightly curved at the end

(my drawing, only got the handle so you would have to imagine the rest)

as he struck into the door the metal started to slowly melt, it took 15 minutes to get inside, after which he dealt with the security spiders and packed whatever loot he could grab onto his Garu, after which he went to flats lagoon where he sold o...

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as he struck into the door the metal started to slowly melt, it took 15 minutes to get inside, after which he dealt with the security spiders and packed whatever loot he could grab onto his Garu, after which he went to flats lagoon where he sold off whatever shit he got and rented a bed for a few days, the next morning he asked around to know where there might be some information about Kenshi, one of them replied with "worlds end"

grimmus: ah FFS, that far away? I'll die before getting halfway there, ughhhh

townsman: you could try joining a caravan up there, there's a Hiver caravan that's heading out in a few days 

grimmus: oh thank the gods, here, take this as thanks *hands 200 cats*

townsman: th-thank you!

as grimmus spent the rest of the day's challenging people to arm wrestling for money he met up with the caravan leader

grimmus: so, this group is heading up to world's end?

hive prince caravan leader: oh yes, yes, as well as squin, iron sand city, then sneak through HN territory and up to world's end

grimmus: that's a lot of stops

hive prince caravan leader: oh yes, lots of coin for the queen, u want to join black man?

grimmus: yes, and call me black man again and I'll use your legs and kindling 

hive prince caravan leader: o-oh yes sorry sir

and with that, they headed off 

fuck me that was exhausting...ish, now if you'll excuse me, I have a dishwasher to empty, keep an eye out for next episode by putting this story on your watchlist so you don't miss an episode

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