an unknown adventure awaits the brave

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the room was dark and cramped, a red light shone dimly as an unknown figure lay on the floor, a bottle lay at his side, empty.

warning: gyro-grav stabilisers offline

then the whole room began to shake

???: w-wha?! the fucks going on?!

warning: incoming impact detected, distance: 2000m. 

???: oh...thats...not good

eta of crash: 3 minutes 

???: shit, shit, shit, fuck, fuck, fuck

the stranger then buckled himself and braced for impact

???: system, activate the frontal display

the front of the wall lit up, showing a fast descent through the clouds and towards a cluster of ruined building, some smaller egg-shaped ones surrounded a hole with what looks like a satellite crashed above it, whatever he was in was heading straight towards one of the egg buildings.

???: oh, fuck all kinds of duck

he then crashed right through the roof and a catwalk and finally came to a stop by slamming into a pile of frozen junk

???: ughhh, by the gods, me fecking head!

the back wall began to hiss and open revealing a pile of junk piled next to a wall and ash covering the ground

???: well, this is somewhere new

the sound of hurried footfall mixed with banging metal can be heard, as well as a weapon being drawn. 

a voice can be heard from outside

bladed stranger: Who are you?! speak?!

???: well mind asking me your name before I ask mine if that's alright?

cat Lon: my name is Cat Lon, you have entered my home unannounced, tell me, have you come to kill me?

???: one, that rather rude insinuating that im here to bring harm, the last thing I remember is getting drunk, blacking out, and ending up here

cat Lon: an odd predicament, now, tell me you're name stranger?

as he asked that, he noticed a blackened hand grip the outside of the metal cylinder, what came out was a 6ft tall man with black skin, not unlike the schorchlander he has seen before, but this one had brown hair and red eyes, but the weird part where the white and red marking along down his neck, arms, legs, chest and back of his naked body

???: agh, my head, quietly fucking hangovers

cat Lon: who...what ARE you?

???: the names Grimmus, and I am a Grimm

a new challenger has entered the scene, who is this grimmus, where did he come from, and how did he get here, find out later

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