a journey of sand, sand, sand and more fucking sand

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grimmus and the caravan made there way out of flats lagoon and into the south-west of Shem, the place is covered in dunes while pools of water litter the landscape, to the distance grimmus saw the swamps in the west, massive trees stretched so high into the sky that he was able to notice them from where he stood. eventually, they made it to a nomad village after avoiding break things and bandits, their main method of selling are animals and animal-related accessories (yellow marker)

 eventually, they made it to a nomad village after avoiding break things and bandits, their main method of selling are animals and animal-related accessories (yellow marker)

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the decision to camp out for the night. at this time grimmus took off his hood to revile his face and light brown hair, his crimson eyes mimicking the fire with the same intensity

hive prince caravan boss: so where you from, stranger?

grimmus: cant say

hive prince caravan boss: bad past?

grimmus: Nah, just not a fan of telling personal information

hive prince caravan boss: I see, I see. care for a drink?

and the stick man produced a large bottle from his bag, it was brown in appearance and was rather wide and a cork on top, there's also a label which was stuck to the side simply with the word RUM written on it

grimmus: *grinning*  well seeing that im in the mood, care for a drinking contest, got a fair bit of cats here if your up for it

hive prince caravan boss: deal Mr grimmus

the 2 individuals sat at a makeshift table and began drinking shot after shot.  the caravan boss in the lead but grimmus was slowly catching up

hive prince caravan boss: you...you drink good *hick* black man

grimmus: i told...told you to...not call me black man, k

hive prince caravan boss: s...sorry man, m...my b...b...bad

and after that the have prince blacked out drunk leaving grimmus as the winner, and as a completely chad move, downed the rest of the bottle and promptly blacked out as well.

the next morning grimmus woke up with a splitting headache and on the back of a pack bull, on his left was the swamps, though it more resembles a jungle with the mahoosive (that's a real word) size of the trees, on the right was a steep cliff face (marker 2)

grimmus: ughhhh, me fecking head lad

hive prince caravan boss: ah, you're finally awake

grimmus: huh?

he looked towards where the voice came from and noticed the caravan boss laid over on another pack beast

grimmus: oh...hey, that was fun huh?

hive prince caravan boss: yea, I guess you won, so I guess ill give you your money when this splitting headache goes away and when we get to the next town

grimmus: ugh, yea good idea

they eventually made their way to squin (marker 3), a town situated between 2 massive cliff faces, the area is controlled by the shek kingdom. they eventually decide to rest in a local bar. 

during the evening, grimmus and the caravan are having some food at a table

???: hey you, black flat skin!

grimmus looked up and saw 2 horned shek standing there, each with massive flat blades, he then went back to eating his food

shek1: hey! didn't you hear m-

grimmus quickly got up and looked at the shek with a smug look on his face with his red eyes glaring towards the 2 shek

grimmus: go on? if you got trouble with me, im all up for a fight, are you?

shek1: y...you think you can handle raw shek might? then be my guest, flat skin

grimmus: *breathes in and out* call me that again, and ill break your legs

the shek grunted in response

as the 2 got into a good empty space, more shek from outside came in to watch the 2 fight

shek1: you ready?

grimmus: hang on

grimmus then begins to remove his rags, shirt and hood, leaving his bare black skin exposed, everyone could see the white and red marking running along his back, chest and arms.

the shek around him began to murmur amongst each other as they stare at his decently built body

grimmus: alright *cracks knuckles* im ready

he then gets into a ready position with a look a determination on his face. the shek slightly unnerved by this creature in front of him, panics and charges throwing a fist at his face. in response, grimmus dodged to the side grabbed his arm pulling him forward and slamming his elbow into the Shek's face. he then launched jab after jab, dodging out the way as the crowd cheered. the shek managed to get his bearings and went in for a punch to the gut, grimmus countered this by rolling out the way 

shek1: damn you, fight me properly you coward!

grimmus: oh trust me i am, im using advance techniques to win, hmph I guess you're just too slow


he then ran at full pace in an attempt to tackle grimmus, but tripped of a loose board and went tumbling straight into Grimmus's foot

grimmus: huh, i guess i win

as grimmus was heading back to his table the shek got back up and charged at him

shek1: you dishonourable flat-skin!!

and as he attempted a punch grimmus quickly turned and caught it with his hand and held it in place

shek1: w-what?!

grimmus leaned in closer, the look of controlled anger was painted across his face, and he said

grimmus: you done goofed, goat head

and he proceeded to stamp on the Shek's outstretched leg with full force that it made a snap so loud that everyone cringed at the sound of it

shek1: GAHHHHH!!!!! MY FUCKING LEG!!!!

grimmus in a cocky voice: well that would teach you not to pick fights with strangers, huh, and your lucky, that was only one leg i broke

shek1: you!

grimmus began to put his shirt and rags back on and sat back down as the shek is dragged to a hospital

grimmus: well...I need a drink after that

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