S2 ep#1: landfall

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They all lined up at the exit of the cargo bay, their weapons at their sides and faces filled with joy as they prepare to step into the unknown, where no Shek, hiver or skeleton have ever ventured before

Grimmus turned towards Hornsy and smiled

Grimmus: so, you ready to see what the outside world looks like?

Hornsy: fuck the hell yes mate

After a fist bump and a sigh of relief, Hornsy piped up

Hornsy: alright guys, listen up; we are heading into the unknown right now, it will be dangerous so keep an eye out everywhere for we don't know what may be lurking in that oasis or slithering amongst the grass, so make sure you stay in groups and don't go eating anything odd, that goes for you Beep

Beep: *Beeps sadly*

Hornsy: anyway, if we do find any plant-based food, burn, DR merlot, and Izumi will check if its edible before we go eating it. Does everyone understand?

Everyone looks and each other and nods their heads in agreement. Before he could continue, a skeleton crewmate poked his head through a door on the catwalk above, his name tag on his arm says Takeo

Takeo: um sir, the captain says we're about to touch down so you might want to hold on to something if the landing gear fails

Ruka: well that doesn't sound good

Savant: never is with new shit like this

After a slight rumble and a bit of a bump, everything went still. A light hiss and a crack of light came from the cargo bay ramp as it begins to lower, blinding all but Hornsy and Grimmus, who stood at the front.

As the rest of the gang's eyes finally adjust to the light, what they saw was breath-taking. Fields of green grass and plants that would rival Okran's valley spread out almost beyond their vision, birds flying is the clear blue sky as their eyes are drawn towards a large crystal-clear blue lake in the distance. No one dared spoke up though a mix of shock and respect of such beauty of nature

Grimmus: so, what's your first impressions?

Hornsy: this...this is amazing

Ruka: I'd never thought I'd see something so...like this

Dr merlot: I've seen some stuff both back home and across Kenshi, but this...this is beautiful. pure wild nature, untainted by the greed of human beings, it almost brings a tear to the-

Before he could finish, Grimmus and Hornsy ran forwards towards the oasis lake, stripping their clothes as they run

Ruka: hey, I'd thought you said we should be careful!

Hornsy: we are, we're testing if this water is good enough to swim

Grimmus: and maybe good enough to drink

Ruka: yeah but-

Savant: let them go, we've all been hold up on that flying wooden coffin for a while now, so I'd say it might be a clever idea to cool off

Ruka: well yeah, be we should at least-

Izumi: oh, I'm in, race you Sav

Savant: hah, even with that leg of yours, I can still outpace you

Beep: Beep can outrun anything, because Beep is the fastest in the land!

Bonesy: not as fast as me bruv running across water ain't it?

the adventures of hornsy and the blacksand mercsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang