banks and break-ins

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hornsy: r-revenge?

bonesy: whos the jackass then?

Adrian: burn, do you still remember the Yatomey family?

burn: oh those bastards, been coning us for a few decades with the recovery of artefacts and high-quality loot and buying it for way lower than what it's worth. so...what do you have planned?

Adrian: recently I've heard the current head of the family, and the last of his line, has been put in charge of the bank over a trader's edge, and I want the best mercenary to stage a heist, you can keep the money though, I just want to see that bastard burn for his mistake

hornsy: im interested, what's the plan?

Adrian: first, you will require a uniform. second, go around the back of the bank, INCONSPICULUSY, and plant this on the back 

he then puts a row of 5 red cylinders with a thin bit of rope attached to each top that combines into a single line on the table

Ruka: the fuck is that?

Adrian: we call them boom tubes but their actual name is dynamite, it explodes when the wick hits the cylinder, I have a large collection of old knowledge and tech from the ancients stored  in an old library far away from the island, it was an old project called "project: life seed" in all fairness I haven't a clue on its purpose, but what I do know is that it was a part of a larger project whose name I forgot

kylie: are your memory banks getting filled up again?

Adrian am afraid so, might be a good idea for another reset 

Burn: another? that would mean you would have-

Adrian: wiped my memory several times long-ago yes

burn: then...then how are you able to recognize me?

hornsy: an old secret from his time during the ancients. one among many, that he keeps to himself, as not to prematurely accelerate the repair of sentient society 

Everyone else: ...

Adrian: thank you hornsy for that, now back on subject, after the boom tubes are planted, take out the roof guards, then bar the front door as the explosion goes off and take out the remaining guards, then after collecting the loot, make your escape back here using skimmers over to one of the emergency exits, we'll have a crash mat ready over the edge for the loot and you guys, and when you're all across we'll bring it back in, making them think you jumped into the water

Dr Chung: well this is going to be a problem seeing that were on good terms with the UC

green: so I guess disguises is the way to go

Ruka: why can't we just barge in, beat the crap out of everyone at the door, and escape through the back, over the wall, and onto the skimmers.

Adrian: true, but you would be overwhelmed,  we have contacted a group of rebels to assist us by acting as a distraction though, but its still a good idea to play this safe

Ruka: hmph, fair enough

kylie: well, I'll pack you some meals for the trip

Hornsy: thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuu

kylie: its nothing, I just want to make sure my baby boy is fed proper

Hornsy: well, eating a whole load of bread isn't good for the rolls fat im building 

the adventures of hornsy and the blacksand mercsWhere stories live. Discover now