of blades and beast, the charge of morn

18 0 0

for the next few hours the town guards and the mercenaries have been gathering armour and weapons to arm whatever civilians who want to join with, there's a few old ones, some overconfident ones, and a few scared ones.

hornsy: alright does everyone have their shit together

a man wearing some merc plate armour and a crab helmet with a nodatchi in tow

savant: ready and waiting.

hornsy: (smiling) savant what the fuck are you wearing?

savant: oh this? it's a souvenir I got before I got captured 

hornsy: you can bearly see out of that thing

savant: yea but it can take a lot of beatings

hornsy: heh, yeah sure

bonesy: you can't say much with that silly hat of yours 

hornsy: oi don't diss my fashion style Mr tubby tanktop *elbows bonesy in the side*

bonesy: oof, haha just like the good old days huh?

hornsy: yea *smile*

sometime later the captain of the guard and the merc leader approach the party of 3 with weapons and armour in tow  

merc leader: alright we're ready, shall we move out?

hornsy: yea got to give a pre-battle speech first, get everyone in front of the building that held the gorillo

a few minutes pass as a large crowd of 40-50 has gathered in front of the large ancient lab 

hornsy(on the 1st level outside): ladies and gentlemen, I hope you can hear me from here

bonesy: WHAT!

hornsy: shut up bonesy I know you can hear me 

bonesy: sorry

hornsy: sorry about my idiot brother and anything he did when I wasn't here, but without further faffing about, I know that what we're about to go into is... suicide, BUT we are gonna have the support of the catun guards and its noble guards along with whatever mercs and civs are inside, also most likely your names will be remembered as heroes in the eyes of catun and those who survive will most likely get praise and a reward from the Emporer himself

civ1: to be honest that sounds like a good idea

civ2: yea he does have a point

savant(next to hornsy): well looks like this is going rather well

hornsy: yea it's weird right? this never happens 

time pass at the Warband depart from morn locking the gates, in a few minutes the party has managed to reach the city of catun with the south hive still encamped, the crossbowmen made there way across the ridgeline towards their vantage point. The main party march forth towards from the east on the south side of catun, the militia then planted themselves on the north side in the small chokepoint, they have managed to set up rudimentary barricades from bits of deadwood and rock, the attack was going as planned.

at the siege camp, the hivers were going about as normal, then a loud horn was heard followed by another one, and another. the resistance has arrived to break the siege

Warmaster: shit, how many are up there!?

scout: at least 40 to 50, most of them are mercs but there a few guardsmen with them as well 

Warmaster: good, prepare to attack, for the glory of the queen

the scout then relayed to info to the commanders, they then order their men into a shield wall (only without shields) and lowered their spears 

meanwhile on the other side

hornsy: so...this is it, my 1st big battle

savant: yea, hope we don't die

hornsy: would be a shame to miss the whole fight, anyway good luck over there

savant: you got it m8t

merc leader: so, what now?

hornsy: we charge, and halfway into it the archers will open fire

as the merc leader gave the order to charge, bonesy and his beast appeared on the battlefield 

suggested music: Victory by "two steps from hell"

as the mass of charging iron and steel came crashing down towards to hivers, a guttural roar echoed across the field as bonesy and his mount charged in after them, before they reached the enemy one by one they began to fall, peppered with bolts 

commander: shit, archers!!

as the archers began firing the front gate of catun opens and its guards begin to pour out towards the enemy flank

Warmaster: damn, was it a diversion!

the Warband and the south have clashed with each other, swords and spears smash against each other, the bodies of hivers go flying as the giant white gorillo smashes into them like a pile of leaves and even doing the classic "hit a motherfucker with another motherfucker" tactic

hornsy: WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO, this is fucking epic, don't you think bro!

bonesy: hell yea bro, we be kicking these git's asses and im sending them flying!

hornsy then ducks underneath a passing blade and smashes the guy's face with the but of his nodatchi, another then thrusts towards him but he quickly doges to the side and grabs the shaft pulling the bastard towards him and then kicking him to the ground

the fight then continues for a while and the group manages to drive them into a rout towards savant's blockade, the became trapped as the rest of the force flanks them

hornsy: alright, listen up you stick-limbed bastards, im giving you ONE chance to surrender or we mash your Exo-skeletons to dust.

the Warmaster then walks forward with his weapon drawn, a foreign sabre, and decked out in rather high-quality armour

Warmaster: then how about a duel, if you win, my men will surrender and you can do what you want, if I win, we leave with our heads, deal?

hornsy: ......deal

find you what happens next on "adventures of hornsy and the back sand mercenaries"

PS: sorry for the hiatus, been busy with college, writer's block, lack of determination and other shit

the adventures of hornsy and the blacksand mercsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz