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Logan's (pov)

I wake up to two strong arms around me. I smile and snuggle closer to Remus "Morning." I say into his chest. "G'morning." He slurs. I chuckle lightly and try to pry myself from him only for his grip to tighten on me. "Five mo' minutes." He says lazily. "Remus I have work to do." I say looking up to him. He sighs and kisses my forehead. "Fine but I want cuddles after." I nod against his chest and he reluctantly lets go of me. I get dressed and place myself down at my desk pulling out a book and notepad "Alright enough work come back!" Remus whined. I roll my eyes "Look I care about you but."

'Well then marry me.'

I freeze as last night comes crashing back down into my mind. "Octo? You ok?" Remus asks sitting up. Octo was a nickname he gave me a while ago since I have many pet names for him "Yea. I'm fine....did I say anything last night? Anything important?" His eyes widen and he shakes his head. "Nope! I came in you were asleep I lay down next to you and fell asleep myself." Huh? Then why do I remember...

'Marry me?'

I could have just dreamed it. Yea that's it I dreamed it. "Ok good to know." I say nodding. I turn back to my work and begin. Though that dream keeps nagging at my mind. But for now I must work. So work I shall!

Remus's (pov)

Shit! Shit! SHIT! He remembers and I just told him to DIE forget about it! Could I be more of an idiot?! I lay back down on his bed and mentally BALL TAP slap myself in the face. Ugh! What to do? What to do? Oh I know! "Hey Logie?" He hums in acknowledgement but keeps writing. "Will this always be your room or not?" He stops what he's doing and turns to MOTHER, FATHER, NOW YOU, BROTHER me. Holy shit. I'm even quoting him from videos. Damn this boy got me helpless. "What do you mean?" He asked. I sit up to face him "Will I ever fully move in here?" His eyes widen slightly but he quickly covers it gaining a wicked smirk on his "Like a married couple?" I go bright red. "WHO SAID ANYTHING ABOUT MARRIAGE?! I MEAN ITS GOT TO BE A WHILE BEFORE WE EVEN CONSIDER~" "So you have considered it?" SHIT?! "I-uh w-well you see~" I get cut off by him chuckling deeply and my is it HOT. Wow my brain actually did something right. "Is your imagination open?" He asked. I tilted my head to the side. "Yea? Why?"  I ask. He only smiles nodding. "Ok meet me there in an hour at the tree. Got it?" I nod wordlessly as he sinks down.

An hour goes by and I FUCK sink down to my imagination. I look around and I see fairy lights hung up on the the tree creating a marvellous pattern, underneath it lay a green and blue checkered picnic blanket on the blanket was non other than Logan smiling at me. I immediately run over to him and jump into his arms. "Awwww Babe! This is amazing!" I exclaim looking around. "Not as amazing as you." I blush at the comment. God I really am a puff huh? "Oh shut up." I slap his chest playfully which causes him to laugh angelically. "Well I can't do that. I have something else to say." He says sounding nervous "Logan?" I ask. He takes a deep breathe "I know what I said last night." I immediately go pale. "Y-you do?" He nods solemnly "But I wanted to do it properly." My eyes widen as my hands go up to mouth. He kneels down pulling out a small box opening to reveal a gorgeous silver ring with two vibrant emeralds on it. "Remus you have been with me since the beginning. Your talented, kind, not to mention handsome. I do know how this could seem to soon however, I can't imagine feeling this comfortable or loving another man as much as I love you. What I'm trying to say is

Remus Creativity Sanders will you marry me?"

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