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Remus's (pov)

I took a deep breathe before walking out my room. It's been awhile since I've left it if I'm being honest. Three days of just summoning random food and crying. Yea I don't like the single life. Never mind that now though to Logan!

I walk out into the light sides to see them all in living room debating something. In silence. Complete silence. Roman was being silent. He's never silent. If Romans quiet what happened to Logan? "Where's Logan?" I ask they all looked towards me and Patton points to the stairs looking down whilst Virgil hisses at me. Something he only does to Deceit. I made my way upstairs and knocked on the door. "Hey octo. It's me, Remus. I was wondering if you wanted to talk about everything?" No reply. I sigh knocking a little harder "Logan can you open the door please?" I hear the lock become undone but I don't remember him having one before. "Is there something you needed?" I stared in shock as I looked at Logan. He was wearing his usual attire except his eyes were grey. Plain grey. "Oh, well I was hoping we could talk." His expression remained neutral as he looked me up and down. "I'm sorry do I know you?" What? I laughed slightly out of pure shock "Your kidding?" I said smiling awkwardly "Apologies but no. I do not 'kid' as you put it with your undermined vocabulary." I stared at him in complete shock. "You don't remember me? Logan come on! It's me Remus! We fell in love! You died for me! I love you and you forget me?!" I yell my patience slipping. He blinked at me and I could practically here his gears turning. "Do you know anything about heartbreak?" The question surprised me but I slowly nodded. "Then I have a few questions for you. If would please accompany me?" He asks opening his door for me to walk in. I smile and nod, glad we're finally getting somewhere.

He sits down at his desk pulling out a notebook as I sit across from him on the bed looking around the room. All our dvds were gone, his favourite books were missing from the shelves and replaced with dictionaries not to mention his room was overly clean. Not a single speck of dust, not a single item out of place. Except one, a black blazer with orange lining hanging from his door handle. Irra. "So what do you know about heartbreak?" He asks opening the notebook resting it on his knee. "Well it hurts when you experience heartbreak. You feel lost and not sure what to do." I say looking at him praying that it rings a bell in that dense brain of his that I love. "Satisfactory. Anything else I need to know?" I nod "Heartbreak can be caused by many a things. The main cause, a person. Leaving them or hurting them can make you feel regret." He raised a brow laying his pen down on the book. "I don't feel anything. Though I do believe I am experiencing heartbreak. Do you how this could happen....apologies I seem to have forgotten your name." Ouch that one hurt. "My name is Remus. Remus Duke." He flipped to the front page of his notebook and held up the first page. "This Remus?" My eyes widened as I saw my name scribbled down countless times. In different fonts, sizes and colours. "Yea. I thought you didn't remember me?" He shook his head "I know your name. I just don't know who you are." I thought about it for a moment thinking back to what Irra's powers are. Then it hit me. He's Irrationally for goodness sake, his power stems from whoever he was the most intimate with. That would be Deceit considering what they could've done and Deceit can control others, manipulate them. Oh Logan. What has he done to you? "Do you know what we went through?" He shook his head looking down at the writing. "However, Father discarded a journal of mine from years ago because it was written about a certain person. Was that person you?" I nod thinking back to the amount of times Logan always hid his black journal from me always saying it was to embarrassing. "I think so." We both sat in awkward silence for a little while before I got an idea "Hey, I know you have no clue who I am right now but when you were in trouble and essentially dying I kissed you. I know it's stupid and I'm not even a prince but~" "Yes." I looked up shocked "What?" I ask confused "Yes, you may kiss me. I don't know who exactly you are but I trust you." I smile leaning forward letting my eyes slip close as he did the same. As we met in the middle.

"Well isn't this a sight for sore eyes?"

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