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Logan's (pov)

I woke up with a stir confused about the lack of warmth beside me. "Re-Remus?" I question sitting up rubbing my eyes. I place my glasses gently on my face though I don't remember taking them off. "Remus?" I question once more looking around my now barren room. I sigh standing up snapping my fingers to change into my regular attire. I know Remus is a grown man but that doesn't mean I don't worry when he's not around. So I begin my search.

Huh that's strange. He wasn't in the light side. Maybe he forgot some things in his old room? I wouldn't put it behind him. I make my way over to his room and raise my hand to knock before "D-do you love Logan?" Wait what? I turn to see Deceits door slightly ajar, I make my way over and my eyes widen at the sight. Deceit kissing Remus. Remus kissing Deceit. My Remus. The Remus I almost died for. The Remus I love. The Remus I used to love. A million emotions ran through my body and I hated each and every one. Misery, betrayal, hurt, jealously, pure rage. I didn't know what to do with it. So I ran and I ran till I found myself at my desk crying like the pathetic Logic I am.

"Just get out." I muttered looking down. I couldn't take it anymore. These worthless emotions only get you hurt. Nothing more, nothing less. He sunk out and I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding. "My, my look at you. Finally remembering who you are?" I turn around to see Irra staring at me with a wicked smile whilst my expression remained neutral. "I am Logic, Father." I deadpan. He walks over to me and hugs me tightly "It is so good to have you back!" I sigh as he pulls away still holding my arms "I know." He smiles wider if possible before pacing back and forth "So much to do, so little time! Oh! I know how about a game?!" He exclaimed happily though I only watch as he jumps up and down "Happy! Sad! Anger! Jealously! Excitement! Surprise! Oh you are good at this aren't you?" He keeps yelling out emotions pointing at me. We played this game a lot when I was younger, I can't show the emotion he yells out. "Oh! Oh! How about hmmm heartbreak?" He questions. My eye twitches slightly as I feel slight pain in my chest. "P-pardon?" He sighs seemingly annoyed "Seems my work isn't over yet. You still hold those disgusting emotions." His mood changes entirely as he glares daggers into me.

"Don't worry son, I'll beat those out of you."

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