And Just Like That.....

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OOF this chapter is even shorter and I'm so sorry. But I thought it was more poetic to end it like that and it makes for a good title. And the picture is because I like Star Wars 

sue me

I walk into the band room and find a seat next to Adrien and I gesture to Marinette to come sit by us. She sits down and we start talking but were interrupted by a girl with ombre hair busting into the room.

"Guys you will never believe what happened to my mom this morning! I just got back from the police station! She almost got robbed by this guy with a knife as she was walking to school. They did this thing where she described the attacker but there was this other person there too. My mom said it was just a little girl who fought off the guy! And he even had a knife!"

I bristled at "little girl" but tried to look as "I'm not a defender of the weak and helpless" as I could. The ombre girl starts scrolling through her phone and pulls up a picture of the drawing they did at the police station. She walks over to Marinette and shows her the photo.

"Look. This is uber cool. I'm gonna put her on-" She suddenly sees me sitting there and hold out her hand to shake. "I'm Alya Cesaire I run the LadyBlog. I'm also one of Marinette here's best friends."

I reach out to shake her hand but she was giving me a weird look. I tensed and tried to smile but Marinette had given her back her phone and she was looking at me too. Alya narrowed her eyes and showed me the photo. 


it was me. 

I dropped the smile (it was awkward and creepy anyway) and put my finger on my lips for the universal sign of "be quiet". She nodded and stuck out her hand out again. I stood and shook it but she pulled me into a hug. 

"Thank You", she whispered. I pulled away and gave her a real smile.


just like that, 

we were friends.

The Lone Wolf A Miraculous Ladybug FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now