Chapter III

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Eliza sat in her room, it'd been a couple hours since Cove had gone out for chores, but she was starting to get worried. Cove was never out long, usually she was out for a couple minutes or an hour at the latest. She cuddled in the jacket her father had left her and held a book in her knee's on her top bunk. It was a book from the 2000's a book about a girl who had learned to kill. It was intresting but nothing Eliza's style. Something the Cove could pick up within a couple days an finish rather quickly. But what Cove read and studied was never her business. Sitting up on her bunk she looked out the bamboo door and saw her mother walking in circles in the kitchen. It'd been a couple weeks since Eliza's father had left to go into the Radiation. But it could've also been Rowan.

Rowan and Eliza's mother didn't end on a good note when he left. He was extremely set in leaving to go find other sectors, most importantly finding Matthew's lab for Cove. But Eliza's mother was set on keeping everyone in the bunker ever since Cove's mother was shot.

The girls heart raced, feeling the pitter patter of the steps behind her. The steps felt oddly familiar, the heavy set beginning of the steps and then the light ending. She leaned against the wall before spotting the familar face. His hair a dark black and his jacket a jet black, responding to his sleak brown eyes.

Eliza continued her way through the book, it was one of those books where you thought it was a good concept but the writers way of describing it made it worse. Probably one of her favorite types of books through the 2000's. Mostly what'd she'd read of books from the early ages. She liked reading books from the old ages because they always had to fantasized about different things now in this era they'd think was wrong. They'd always think into the future, even if it was seemingly bleak. Now a days people dreamed of the past, back when they didn't have to live in the Bunkers of the Enclosure, and when they didn't have an Enclosed government. Something where the Government didn't exactly have to tell you everything they were going to do.

"Eliza!" She peared to the bamboo door and clearly Eliza's mom was opening a door of some sort. She heard her fathers foot steps but then a second pair of steps she didn't recognize.

"Your fathers home!"

Eliza jumped off her bunk bed opening the door and seeing not only her father but her older brother Rowan. His jacket was scrappy and he was exhausted, with drips of sweat spilling down his cheeks. His hair was the same brown as Eliza's and the replicated bright blue eyes of his mothers. His jacket was black and wrapped around his mid torso showing only his torn green shirt under it. It had been a while since she last saw him, he looked so gown yet so young. He would be twenty-eight by arrival, he was so much older than she ever remebered him being. She always saw him as the small scrappy young teenager, now he had little beard scraps going on his chin. He looked more masuline and build than she ever remebered.

"Elizabeth," Her father looked to see her wearing his jacket. Everytime he left she took his jacket mostly because of its warmth, it relieved her anxiety.

"Where'd you find Row,"

Rowan stood there in utter disbelief, she hadn't seen him in who knows how long, and yet was just standing there. Rowan grumbled crossing his arms, he pulled a grumpy frown, Eliza picked up on this smirking to his response.

"I was trying to walk back to the Ember entrance and I saw him, wounded and scared. So I brought him home, giving him my last bit of Thermadol and Caspios." Her father looked to Rowan who quickly smiled to his father.

Rowan had been out of Ember for eleven years, living on Thermadol shots, shots him and Ethan shared but Rowan ended up taking from Ethan. Rowan missed Ethan, he was a spunky 24 year old with lots of love to share and a hell of a kick. Ethan had the warmest hugs durring the winter nights, and the softest jokes during the hot months.

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