Chapter IX

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The room was cold, a door at the front a small window, and completely cut off from the other rooms. It was the medical ward of the abandoned Pozhar and Blaze border building, at one point Pozhar was part of Flame, it was nicknamed Blaze. Blaze quickly got cut off forming Pozhara, a Russian bounty hunting sector. Homing thousands of Russians who didn't have homes after the war, and quickly Pozhar became a popular city. Then it became abandoned when the Ash sector and Burn sector opened. Leaving few people in Pozhar, and little memory of Blaze.

A short blonde opened the door of the room, and looked to the small ginger on the bed ucddled in blankets face covered in oxygen masks. The blonde looked to the small weakened girl on the bed and walked over to the sink, only to see in the cut off corner Devin sleeping in a chair.  She decided not to awake him, leaving him be she turned on the sink grabbing a wash cloth sitting on the counter and soaking it in water.

She turned off the sink, wringing out the remaining water. Walking over to the ginger, she placed the cloth on her forehead, and looked at the medicine in the cup. It still sat there from the night before, but this was Russian approved medicine, the safest kind. The blonde walked out of the room, turning off any light that was turned off and returning the rug on the ground to its original position. Closing the door softly, Devin opened a single eye, only to spot Elena walking out of the room.

Devin yawned, clasping his hands together stretching his back which ached from sitting in the chair. He looked over to Cove, ever since the accident at the Flame border he felt awful. He let her go on without a mask, and now she was paying the price. Walking over he kneeled by the bed. Facing the wall on the opposite side he laid his head against the bed frame. He closed his eyes only to see an endless stream of black, before feeling a warm touch on his head. He opened his eyes the slightest seeing Cove looking down at him.


"Hey," Her soft response made him smile in the happiest of ways. She was awake.

"How long was I asleep for?" Cove sat up from where she was, she stretched her arms and then look over to Devin with a sweet smile.

"Well you passed out early yesterday, then passed out again later, so maybe seventeen hours or so?" Devin rolled his eyes as soon as he saw her look at him.

"How are Eliza and Rowan?"

"Kicking as usual, their hanging out with Griffin and Alexei in the training room." As soon as Devin said those words, she looked confused, she knew they were on a base but who's base, and who were these people.

"Elena, Alexei and Griffin are Russian bounty hunters, their letting us stay for the night, then their helping us find Ethan." Devin responded, he played with the cuff on his jacket and Cove smirked.

"How do you know them?"

"Their bounty hunters Cove, they know me too much." Devin smirked at her remark and rolled his eyes once again but she wasn't letting him win this.

"So do they know your moms name, and the fact your nose twitches when you smile. Or the fact you complain about everything." Cove said cheekily, he frowned and adjusted his position, looking to her face to face.

"You sound pretty confident for a girl I just met?" Devin looked at the freckles scattered across her face, each one was delicately placed on her cheeks. They complimented her eyes, the ever present forest green eyes, that always glanced at him so filled with hope.

"Oh yeah, what do you know about me?" She laid down on the bed resting her head in the palm of both her hands, kicking her feet against the wall.

"Well you have a brother named Ethan, your father was a scientist for the Enclosure, you live with Eliza and Rowan. Finally you are petrified of the dark." He smirked, point his finger at her, but she quickly raised a brow at his response.

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