Chapter VI

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Cove opened her eyes, seeing the cloudy sky of the Radiation before her, and of course the bottom end of her hiking partner.  She'd gotten some what of a nice sleep and now she'd have to be waken up for another day of walking. Of which she was not excited for and porbably never would be. Devins jacket was on the campfire, and she looked under her arms, only to see the familiar brown shirt he'd worn since she first met him. Instead of responding the normal way of getting up to surprise him, she pushed the shirt off the bench and grumbled loudly.

"Seems someones up," She heard his cheery voice, and almost instantly knew how he was going to play this, so she rolled over on her other side, only to fall of the bench.

"Cove," Devin smirked pulling his shirt over his shoulders and walked over to her. Kneeling down next to the bench he saw her curled up on the floor, her knee's in her chest.


"I'm not moving," She whispered under a large sigh, but of course he could understand everyword coming out of her mouth.

"We can't stay here for forever you know."

"I know but it'd be nice to get atleast some sleep,"

"Well I'd like to at least get some where before day fall."

"Then you can carry m-"

"Cove?" Quickly she sat up looking around trying to find the voice, before spotting the brunette, and her taller companion. She had a bag hung over her shoulder, and her fathers grey jacket.

But the girls companion was what surprised her, he was tall, with a buttoned jacket, clearly from the Enclosure. The Enclosure was always noted for the victorian style clothing, she looked back over to Devin who's hand hovered over his back pocket. The Girl ran over standing near Cove while the boy looked at Devin, clearly trying to be the superior one in this cituation. He stood tall in front of him trying to make Devin seem like the small one and the boy the bigger one. Cove looked over them then to the girl in front of her. Cove knew these people, but was too tired to even recognize them. It was Rowan and Eliza, packed for a trip, clearly looking for her.

"What the hell are you doing out here."

"Your name was all over the Radio, they said you were missing with a wanted ravenger," Eliza placed her hand on Cove's shoulder, then she squinted to Devin.

Rowan crossed his arms, and tried to square up to short Devin. But Devin didn't even move, his hand stayed on his back pocket. He wasn't going to give into a guy who clearly either worked for the Enclosure or for the bounty hunters of it. Eliza grumbled keeping her hand on Cove but Cove wasn't easy to calm at the moment like she usually was. She stood up and stood in between them trying to be some kind of barrier. Cove tried to calm him down by giving him the cautious look he always fell for. After the look his shoulders relaxed causing him to place his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

"I'm still wanted? Fucking christ." Devin mumbled and looked over to Rowan.

"What ya lookin at genius," Devin yelled at Rowan, although Rowan was tall Devin tried to be bigger than him, but Rowan thought it was funny.

"Eliza, Rowan thats Devin, he's from the Ash sector." Cove tried to lighten the mood, but it clearly wasn't going to happen.

"What are the bad looks for?"

"You ran away, mom and dad are worried about you and the first thing you do is run away!"

"I had to I want to look for Ethan."

"So you ran away with a wanted Ash sector ravenger, who was kicked out?" Rowan muttered under his breath, quickly Devin took the gun out of his back pocket pointing it at Rowan.

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