Chapter XV

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Cove laid on the ground, looking in the room, she saw a small cot in the corner and a window in the back, on the wall were chained cuffs to the wall, but she was bonded. She looked over her shoulder seeing the rope tied around her wrists, she watched as a girl walked by the room, holding a tray, she opened the glass door and kneeled in front of Cove. The tray was empty but there sat a small glass with an orange liquid, calling to her in a tormenting way. Cove just wanted to go home at this point, she missed her aunt and uncle, but most of all she missed the sweet calls of Devin when he saw hurt. But all she could remeber was someone slamming her to the ground before she was knocked out. She looked back to the girl who held the tray.

"You must be Cove,"

"Your parents ever tell you not to assume things?"

The girl kneeled in front of her tracing her thumb under Cove's chin before letting go, the other hand dropped the tray, she stood up wiped her hands on her pants. Cove didn't trust Kapel but now that this little servant, her body moved in perfect unison with her head, but it was intimidating. Cove couldn't move in anyway to kick her or get out of her current position, she had no fighting ability to use a pistol nonetheless fist fight. The girls hands ran down her own hips before turning to Cove with a smile, her intentions were crude.

"So apparently Borya wants to use you for your mind, so does most of the Enclosure how does it feel to be so important." Cove's anger raged in her brows she spit into the girls eye, the girl fumbled back covering her eye.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Ms. Colestone," Cove laughed at her remark, she watched as the girl stood over her, her arm over Cove's head, she was trying to be intimidating.

"Your not the one in charge here,"

"Maybe it's because none of you gave me the chance,"

"Who said Borya would ever let an American take his position, even the girl whos father took his positon?" The words struck Cove as strange even from a girl she'd never met, nonethless a Russian.

"Kira!" The voice was heard from the hallway, it was clearly her sister, who ran up to the door, looking to see Cove strapped to the wall under the tall brunette.

"Yes Anya." The girl snapped at the last word, she stood up tall, the only Cove could see was Anya pearing through the door.

"The boy's up, Borya needs help."

"Who," Cove looked up to Kira, which was it Alexei or Devin, she didn't know, all she knew was the night before she was knocked down by someone and woke up here with nothing to recall.

"The little brown haired Russian boy, he put up a fight and got shot, he broke Borya's arm yesterday so he needs a little correcting." Cove watched their body language, Anya was more cut off than Kira, but she remebered Anya in the bloodied dress, so he didn't know who to believe.

"If you hurt Alexei I swe-"

"We're not hurting him, we're just putting him in his place," Kira swiped her tongue against her teeth then closed the door behind her.

Cove watched them close the door and tried her best to untangle her arms from the mess of duct tape and rope, she tugged and groaned feeling as the stress on her shoulder worsened. She could feel herself lose her sanity in a matter of minutes, she had no one with her she was completely alone. It was all because of her heroic quest to find her brother, if she just waited maybe he'd come home. But knowing Ethan he'd never go home, but he'd never leave Rowan behind as well, she looked to the wall constantly thinking about things of the past. She hit her boot on the ground hoping maybe if she hit her boot someone would respond.

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