Chapter IV

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The two ran to the end of the hospital bunkers, running to a wall. Devin gasped for any sight of air, while Cove fell quickly to her knee's. He was still holding his gun, it was a weapon of peace at the time. He walked down to the wall at the end of the hall for a little bit before finding the bunker door opening.

"Found it,"

"Just give me a sec-" She'd never really ran like that, so she started coughing out her lungs.

It felt like someone was pushing on her chest and she was unable to get air. Devin noticed that, he didn't want to see her like that but they had to get out.

"Get up." He walked over to her holding out his good arm while the other held his gun. Cove looked up at him.

"Go fuck yourself." She spat then continued to cough on the ground.

This was the first time she truly felt angry towards him. She didn't even know why, they just met and she was the one who got him into this situation. But all she felt was regret and that regret turned into anger. She spat at the ground and quickly laid her head against the dirt. Devin looked at her for a minute before crouching down.

"You got me into this situation in the first place," Devin spoke, he could see her pain, but they were barely in an adventure she made him join.

"Well shit, your the idiot who decided to join." She coughed harder, Devin looked up at the bunker door.

"I want to tell you something," He placed his hand under her chin and lifted her head so her eyes would meet his.

"The radiation is a hellhole, if you can't run five miles, in a bunker, you'll never make it out there. Theres actual weather, and guess what nights get cold, heard of rain, it rains but the worse kind of rain. Your world down here in a Bunker is nothing compared to the Radiation." Quickly he let go of her chin causing her hand to fall.

She looked down to the ground, why did she ever decide to run away with a guy she just met. He clearly knew the radiation, but she wasn't giving up on Ethan. If Ethan made it through eleven years in the Radiation she can make it through a couple months. Standing up, her knee's buckled beneathe her, but she caught the courage to stand on her two feet.

"Good girl," Devin smiled a bit, he never had a doubt that'd she'd make it through.

All she needed was a little push, thats what he admired about her so far. She ran five miles and never gave up. She was the one who decided not to leave him behind unlike other people. Seeing her knee's buckle he held out his hand but she her head giving hima clear no. He was already wounded as is, Cove was just sore.

She followed him over to the bunker door, quickly noticing how high it was she looked at him with a pouty expression. Devin smiled a bit teasing her, before looking back at the bunker door, it was on the ceiling of the bunker floor.

"How many floors does Ember have?"

"Technically five but due to enclosure laws we have four, I know from personal experience." She winked before quickly kicking the wall, Devin winced expecting her to just hit her foot but in reality she kicked the door off what seemed to be a ladder.

Taking each stair of the ladder very carefully she climbed up, reaching the top and hitting the bunker door with her elbow, opening it. The fumes leaked out, causing Cove to cover her mouth with her shirt. Climbing up the last stairs on the ladder she opened the door fully. Pulling herself up on the sandy area, she pushed herself up and looked at the area before her. It was so, broken, the air was heavy and the atmosphere clouded her sight. The smell of strong chemicals pushed her sideways, and confused her brain programed by the Bunkers.

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