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"Arbour Holmes

Enclosure labs of the Flame Sector

Tennessee, 51382

April 30, 2130

To, President Jacob Callagei

Englove Enclosure Building

Lidol, Nevada, 41137

Dear President Callagei,

I do believe we have found the one thing we've been looking for for the past month and a half. They are son and daughter of your successor and your old body guard as well as mine. According to a young fellow I ran upon about three years ago has told me all information about this girl we've been looking for, but I do think Bergandail is hiding something upon us. He said he's looking for a girl who is his supposed sister and I think she has something to do with the Fire Code, maybe even the Fire Code Savior perhaps? As we do know all those years ago when Dr. Colestone tested the first samples of the Fire code and we lost the instructions he told us only two people had the codes instruction and when you took him from Ember I do think he left it with Ms. Catamount and possibly with his childhood friend Mr. Hyde as well? So I do think that Ms. Cove and Mr. Alexei do hold some kind of corolation with the code.

Although not completely of what that is I fear about Dr. Bergandail in our past letters I have spoken about his Alcohol addiction and I do fear it's gotten worse since my last letter. He has started spying on your dearest daughter Lydia for apparent research purposes and he's also spoken about his newest Apprentice Olive Xetol in manners quite uncomfortable. She has spoken to me multiple times after the incident of Dr. Bergandails second Arrest and she would like to change her position as apprentice to Bergandail. I am hopeful of taking her on and seeing her newest advances but I do fear of her PTSD which has gotten worse in the past day of which she refuses to seek mental help.

Anyways to my point, I have emailed you in desperation, I am not happy with where Kyle Bergandail has gotten and I do not believe he is suitable for his job. He has broken multiple laws you have stated in the Tennessee labs and each time Dr. Colestone has bailed him out which isn't mature for your succsessor. Bergandail has also married two people below his class, had a son and daughter of which he erased the mind of one of them which under Enclosure laws is unacceptable unless there are reasons behind it. He's also talked with the Crimson sector through his son and what I believe could be Mr. Hyde. I hope you take my concerns with caution and help stop Bergandail before he worsens the Enclosure as a whole.

On a lighter note my son is arriving to see your dear Lydia, he's been excited for weeks now and is happy to see his new team mates. He will be joining the Enclosure as a new scientist after he studied abroad in London with his mother, he will also be bringing along another partner from Spain I haven't met her but I'm excited for you to see her. Thank you for listening to my concerns I hope we can fix this

Sincerely yours,

            Doctor Henry Covern Jekyll of the Tennessee Labs."

He put the paper back on the table picking up another, this was for science and a matter of law, even if it's been a day before the incident he had to mail it. He craved the power Colestone had, pleaded to be the powerful one here. So he was going to do what needed to be done before anything actually was going to happen. A young girl looked over to him, she held her hands below her waist. She followed after her mentor watching him carefully with every move he actually made. She had to make sure she was the best kind of officer she could be or follow up to him.She read his letters she wrote his papers she made him what he needed to be. They'd known eachother for a month now and the Doctor had already depended upon her. She felt special unlike her last mentor.

"Lidol Towns

Englove Enclosure Labs

Nevada, 41137

May 1st, 2130

To, Dr. Henry Jekyll

Enclosure Labs of the Flame Sector

Arbour Holmes, Tennessee, 51382


I have voiced your concerns to the public domain, we'll take care of Bergandail but we'd appreciate you take care of our subjects in return. As you understand both Cove and Alexei are very important to me, and about Matthew I understand. We'll take care of him in the way the Enclosure does, I'd appreciate you care for the others as well. Bergandail has disatisfied me since I came to power as well as Ms. Catamount. We will not be risking my throne or possibly Matthews. I believe it is best for the Enclosure to have a strict president and leader instead of a commoner of the Crimson sector, of which I do hope you understand. We do though have a common code that each doctor must follow and clearly as you said Bergandail is not following as I hoped he would, but I am not suprised. My trust and faith is in you and the Labs for now, please tell our dear Dr. O'Brien I said hello.

Sincerely yours,

President Jacob Callagei ."

He examined the letter and smiled, printing out the paper that was typed along with the Email. He walked down a flight of stairs, opening a door to the final floor of the Enclosure. He looked in the room, there was all his work, then stood a mirror in the corner covered with a blanket so he couldn't see his reflection. Walking to the back of the room he unlocked a door. There sat the girl tightening a rope around the mans wrists. She stood up and looked to her mentor who held a pice of paper in his hand the two of them looked to the man on the floor and then to the other in the corner who'd been sedated with medication. He threw the paper at the man and smirked.

"Seems your long tale is coming to a close Mr. Rossi,"

"You aren't going to get away with this, once the Enclosure finds out about this you'll be killed."

"Much like you soon as well as your dear buddy in the back," Olive smiled looking up to him, the Doctor looked down at her and smiled.

"Anyways seems you need to get some sleep tomorrow we appoint the next in power," Dr. Rossi sat in the corner watching him carefully.

"Tomorrow we take Colestones throne."

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